Day 22 The settlement history of the southern Caucasus
In 2009, excavations began at Kamiltepe in Azerbaijan. The collaborative project between the Tehran Branch of the DAI and the National Academy of Sciences in Baku was initiated to shed […]
In 2009, excavations began at Kamiltepe in Azerbaijan. The collaborative project between the Tehran Branch of the DAI and the National Academy of Sciences in Baku was initiated to shed […]
Arzhan, in the Uyuk river valley on the Siberian steppes, is the site of an enormous kurgan necropolis from the 1st millennium BC. The Arzhan 2 kurgan was excavated by […]
For centuries Erbil, in the region of Kurdistan in northern Iraq, has been an important commercial centre for the region with a key role in long-distance trade between Baghdad and […]
The Taman Peninsula is situated on the north-east coast of the Black Sea on the Asian side of the Russian Federation. Opposite, on the European side, lies the Kerch Peninsula, […]
The Palatine, one of the seven hills of Rome, with the Roman Forum lying in the valley directly to the north, the Capitol to the west and the Circus Maximus […]
Some time between 650 and 700 AD, a man aged 30 to 40 died in Lorma Salvatierra in the north of the Amazon Basin in Bolivia. He was buried in […]
In antiquity the city of Simitthus/Chimtou, 180 kilometres west of Tunis, was famed above all for its yellow marble, one of the most popular varieties of marble in the Roman […]
Since 1999 the DAI and the University of Bonn have been carrying out research at Karakorum, the ancient Mongol capital, in the framework of the Mongolian-German Karakorum Expedition. The city […]
Patara was one of the chief cities of Lycia, an ancient region on the south-west coast of what is now Turkey, and it was the administrative base of the Roman […]