Hale Güney
My name is Hale Güney. I received my PhD degree from the University of Exeter in England in 2012. I obtained my BA and MA degrees from Marmara University in […]
My name is Hale Güney. I received my PhD degree from the University of Exeter in England in 2012. I obtained my BA and MA degrees from Marmara University in […]
The FAIR.rdm project group presented the current situation of research data management at the CAA in Amsterdam.
As being a geologist; micropaleontologist, I have been working on past climate and environmental changes in different regions of Anatolia for the past 15 years. We investigate climate and environmental […]
Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen Nikolas Heil Mustafa Doğan <a href=“https://www.dainst.blog/daistanbul_blog/2023/05/17/robert-busch/“ title=“Robert Busch„>Robert Busch Francesco G. Barsacchi Işıl Işıklıkaya-Laubscher & Selma Bulgurlu Gün Julia Koch Bilge Hürmüzlü Paolo Maranzana Catherine T. Keane Hale […]
Participants of the 7th Research Network
Participants of the 7th Research Network Call for Participation for the 7th Research Network
/*! elementor – v3.13.2 – 11-05-2023 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=“.svg“]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Das Sommerfest 2023 des DAI Athen findet am Freitag, den 26.05.2023, um 20.00 Uhr, in der Bibliothek statt. […]
Antique remains used to be documented through drawings and engravings or with gypsum casts and models even before archaeology became an established scientific occupation. These products of artists and travellers, […]
Die FAIR.rdm Projektgruppe hat den Stand des Forschungsdatenmanagements auf der CAA in Amsterdam vorgestellt.
von Katja Roesler Die Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) ist eine von drei Arbeitsstellen des 2023 beginnenden Langzeitvorhabens „disiecta membra. Steinarchitektur und Städtewesen im römischen Deutschland“ im Akademienprogramm der Deutschen Akademien der […]
We are pleased to announce the release of two new publications that showcase the latest findings and research conducted by our team. Find out more in this blog post.
KulturGutRetter is developing technical characteristics for procedures, teams and equipment, enabling the Unit to cover the tasks of damage assessment, evacuation of movable heritage, and emergency intervention on movable and […]
Das KulturGutRetter-Projekt entwickelt technische Charakteristika für Verfahren, Einsatzkräfte und Ausrüstung, die es der Einheit ermöglichen, die Aufgaben der Schadensbewertung, der Evakuierung von beweglichem Kulturerbe und der Notfallversorgung von mobilem und […]