Entangled Africa 2020

The DFG-SPP Entangled Africa projects present their goals and results in short films

In the short film Entangled Africa 2020 we present objects and materials from ancient and current everyday life in Africa. We give insight into our interdisciplinary research and how our projects uncover connections between the past and present as well as between different regions south of the Sahara.

With film footage of the projects: Connecting Foodways (P02)Borrowed words and shared objects (P09)Archeology and palaeoecology in the Inner Congo Basin (P10) and The Lake Chad region as a crossroad (P04).

Produced by Text + Bild Media Production and the SPP Coordination Project (P12).

Further information about Entangled Africa: https://www.dainst.blog/entangled-africa/en/home/