Allgemein EN

The young scientists of the SPP ‚Entangled Africa‘

They are entrusted with routine work or are working on their academic degrees; you can find them in laboratories, on excavations and in the library: the young scientists of the SPP “Entangled Africa” are an essential part of the projects. The program offers them the opportunity to gain insight into methods of the diverse scientific disciplines, to exchange ideas across continents, educational backgrounds and educational levels. […]


Die jungen Wissenschaftler*innen des SPP ‚Entangled Africa‘

Sie sind mit Routinearbeiten betraut oder arbeiten an ihren akademischen Abschlüssen, man findet sie in Labors, auf Ausgrabungen und in der Bibliothek: die jungen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des SPP „Entangled Africa“ sind essentieller Teil der Projekte. Das Programm bietet ihnen die Möglichkeit, Einblick in Methoden unterschiedlichster Wissenschaftsrichtungen zu bekommen, sich über Kontinente, Ausbildungsrichtungen und Ausbildungsstufen hinweg auszutauschen. […]

P05 Publications EN

Publication: Late Holocene vegetation changes in the Chad Basin, Nigeria

The development of cultivated landscapes under the influence of food production has decisively shaped the composition and appearance of West African savannas as present today. With trees and shrubs forming an important constituent of such landscapes, and its composition characterizing different types of land-use, anthracology is a tool particularly well suited to trace developments and changes through human exploitation of the landscape. […]

P05 Publikationen

Publikation: Spätholozäne Vegetationsänderungen im südlichen Tschadbecken, Nigeria

The development of cultivated landscapes under the influence of food production has decisively shaped the composition and appearance of West African savannas as present today. With trees and shrubs forming an important constituent of such landscapes, and its composition characterizing different types of land-use, anthracology is a tool particularly well suited to trace developments and changes through human exploitation of the landscape. […]

P04 Publications EN

Contribution on Central Sudan by C. Magnavita in the Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology

In view of the paucity of research, the Islamic archaeology of the Central Sudan and Sahel remains one of the less well known of the African continent. While this also applies to the material legacy of the past six centuries, it is particularly sites and remains from the early period of Islamic influence in the region that are virtually unexplored. […]

P04 Publikationen

Beitrag von C. Magnavita zum Zentralsudan im Oxford handbook of Islamic Archaeology

In view of the paucity of research, the Islamic archaeology of the Central Sudan and Sahel remains one of the less well known of the African continent. While this also applies to the material legacy of the past six centuries, it is particularly sites and remains from the early period of Islamic influence in the region that are virtually unexplored. […]

P07 Publications EN

Report on the archaeological and geological science research in Ethiopia by the project ‚Routes of Interaction‘, 2018-2019

The project »Routes of Interaction« is a collaboration between the Sanaa Branch of the Orient-Department, the Department of Earth Sciences – Physical Geography of the Freie Universität Berlin and the Egyptian Museum – Georg Steindorff, Leipzig University. Embedded into the SPP Programme of the DFG »Entangled Africa«, field work has been carried out since 2018. […]

P07 Publikationen

Bericht des Projekts ‚Routes of Interaction‘ über archäologische und geowissenschaftliche Arbeit in Äthiopien, 2018-2019

The project »Routes of Interaction« is a collaboration between the Sanaa Branch of the Orient-Department, the Department of Earth Sciences – Physical Geography of the Freie Universität Berlin and the Egyptian Museum – Georg Steindorff, Leipzig University. Embedded into the SPP Programme of the DFG »Entangled Africa«, field work has been carried out since 2018. […]

Allgemein EN

Entangled Africa and climate change in the past

Global climate change has been a central topic of worldwide politics and public opinion in recent years. The “Fridays for Future” movement brings the younger generation onto the streets to underline the issue. The current pandemic is hopefully used as an opportunity to overcome the economic crisis that has arisen by providing targeted support for climate-neutral projects. And even the awarding of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize to United Nations World Food Programme is linked to this event. […]


Entangled Africa und der Klimawandel in der Vergangenheit

Der globale Klimawandel ist ein zentrales Thema weltweiter Politik und Öffentlichkeit in den letzten Jahren. Die „Fridays for Future“ Bewegung bringt die junge Generation auf die Straße, um das Thema zu unterstreichen. Die aktuelle Pandemie wird vielfach zum Anlass genommen durch gezielte Unterstützung klimaneutraler Projekte die entstandene wirtschaftliche Krise zu bewältigen. Und selbst die Vergabe des diesjährigen Friedensnobelpreises an die Welthungerhilfe steht in Verbindung mit diesem Geschehen. […]