New Website Miletus Excavation
The Miletus Excavation ( has a new website that provides information about the ruins of Miletus, its landscape, and its history. Miletus was one of the most important cities of […]
The Miletus Excavation ( has a new website that provides information about the ruins of Miletus, its landscape, and its history. Miletus was one of the most important cities of […]
#Anthropology #Bioarchaeology #Groundcheck #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis # With increasing speed and simultaneity, we are experiencing dramatic climate and social changes. Science and politics are challenged to defend these findings against denial […]
The Istanbul Department is pleased to offer „Frühjahresführungen“ again this year. On Sunday 05 June at 12:30, our colleague and architect Burcu Akan will talk about „Florya Atatürks Residenz am […]
The 4th seminar of the 6th Research Network „Building, Building Economy and Building Sites“ was held online on April 1st and 2nd, 2022. It focused on the “lifecycle” of ancient […]
This Thursday, 19.05.2022, 06:00 pm (AEDT) (10:00 am, Istanbul TR/ 09:00 am, CEST), our colleague Dr. Lee Clare will give a lecture as part of the Annual Edwin Cuthbert Hall […]
Übersetzung 8: „Die TRUST-Prinzipien für digitale Repositorien“ Übersetzungen von Schlüsseldokumenten vom Englischen ins Deutsche Im Bereich Qualifizierung bestand ein Meilenstein unseres Projektes in der Beauftragung von Übersetzungen wichtiger Schlüsseldokumente aus […]
The Lycian city of Patara has one of the most important ports of the eastern Mediterranean. Due to the increasing commercial and military importance of its well-protected harbour, which was […]
Übersetzung 6: „Die FAIR-Prinzipien für das wissenschaftliche Datenmanagement und Data Stewardship“ Übersetzungen von Schlüsseldokumenten vom Englischen ins Deutsche Im Bereich Qualifizierung bestand ein Meilenstein unseres Projektes in der Beauftragung von […]
Zu den bemerkenswerten Ergebnissen der Untersuchungen alter DNA, die in jüngerer Zeit durchgeführt wurden, gehört die Identifizierung des Pesterregers Yersinia pestis bereits im späten 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. Eine erste […]
Milch in der Vorgeschichte Milch ist eine außerordentlich nährstoffreiche Nahrungsquelle, reich an Proteinen, Fett, Zucker (Laktose), Vitaminen und Mineralien wie Kalzium. Obwohl Milch selbst leicht verderblich ist, kann sie durch […]
Dear Guests, Starting April 18, the library will be open four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday) by appointment. Still, the library, as well as the building, can […]
The third roundtable meeting of Cluster 7 Shaping Space – Shaping Society took place on March 24th and 25th, 2022. Representatives of various disciplines from different departments of the DAI […]
With the conquest of large parts of Europe, Rome was confronted with administrative problems. This task was assigned to the cities. At places where cities were lacking, as in the […]
Ab dem 11.03.2022 bis zum 08.05.2022 wird im Staatlichen Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz (smac) unsere Rekonstruktion der ältesten Hose der Welt aus Turfan, Xinjiang, VR China, präsentiert. Zum ersten Mal […]
Under the topic “Micro-Regions as Spaces of Socio-Ecological Interaction” the 1. TransPergMicro Milestone Workshop will be held online on 11.-12.03.2022. Graphic: B. Ludwig To participate in the event, please use […]