
New Publication: Micro-Regions as Spaces of Socio-Ecological Interaction

The publication offers a collection of papers held in 2022 at a workshop organized by the DFG-funded TransPergMicro project. The interdisciplinary contributions reflect on micro-regions as spaces of socio-ecological interaction on a theoretical, methodological and empirical level. They convey the current state of knowledge for various regions of the Mediterranean and reveal perspectives for future research.


The Selinos River in Pergamon. Investigating the Relations Between Urban Development, the Alteration of Natural Space and Changing River Dynamics

The Selinos River, now known as Bergama Çayı, plays a significant role in shaping the urban landscape of the city. This was highlighted at the annual TransPergMicro workshop, where the relationship between urban development, changes in natural space, and the river’s dynamics were analysed and discussed. The initial findings, presented in this blog post, will be incorporated into a TransPergMicro sub-project.


Secrets of Selinus: New Discoveries Reshape the Understanding of Pergamon’s Urban Riverbank

The developing landscape of Bergama unfolds along the Bergama Çayı, where the recent construction of a river embankment by the DSİ revealed ancient structures. Excavations from 2021 to 2023 under the direction of Bergama Müzesi uncovered an 1 km² wide area. In collaboration with DSİ, the İzmir State Monuments Authority and the Pergamon Excavation Project, the ongoing conservation work is contributing to a master’s thesis focusing on detailed documentation, with an emphasis on construction phases and techniques. This study explores the historical layers of the site to uncover ancient urban development and the interactions between human and nature during the Roman Imperial period.


Temple, Villa, or…? A Rural Site in the Pergamon Micro-Region

The Sultan Tepe site, discovered in 2009 and revisited in 2019 and 2020, near Pergamon reveals intriguing findings. The non-invasive survey suggests a complex history: a potential villa with a courtyard, a sanctuary, or even a mansio. Geophysical data points to a 175 x 100 m structure, possibly a villa. Pottery spans late Hellenistic to Byzantine periods. Despite uncertainties, this interdisciplinary approach offers valuable insights into the region’s historical development. The full study will be in ‚Istanbuler Mitteilungen.‘


Lost and Found in an Altered Landscape: Uncovering Ancient Sites in the Eastern Pergamon Micro-Region – A Survey Report

The Archaeological Survey in the Pergamon Micro-Region often takes us to places where history and present collide. This was especially true during this year’s survey. As part of the TransPergMicro project, the survey team explored the eastern lower plain of the Bakırçay river (ancient Kaikos) and the southern Madra Dağı Mountains around ancient Parthenion – an ancient landscape that has been affected by massive land consolidation, the construction of dams and quarrying activities in recent decades. Nevertheless, we were able to make many new discoveries and after 6 weeks of fieldwork we can tell a story of transformation and rediscovery. Here are first glimpses of our newly uncovered sites and preliminary results.


Pergamon’u yeni yürüyüş rehberiyle keşfedin

Alman Arkeoloji Enstitüsü tarafından yürütülen Bergama Kazısı, ziyaretçilere sadece antik kalıntılar arasında rehberlik etmekle kalmayan, aynı zamanda modern Bergama kentinin tamamını kapsayan  rotalar öneren bir turistik harita oluşturdu. Bu haritanın, insanları bireysel rotaları deneyimlemeye ve Bergama’nın antik çağlardan Bizans ve Osmanlı dönemleri gibi daha yakın dönemlere kadar uzanan zengin kültürel mirasını deneyimlemeye teşvik etmesi amaçlanıyor.


New article explores Holocene geomorphodynamics in a long-term settled mountain catchment in the Pergamon Micro-Region

The article, titled „Mid- to Late Holocene geomorphodynamics in a long-term settled mountain catchment in the Pergamon micro-region, western Turkey,“ investigates the impact of climate change and human activity on the rural settlement patterns and geomorphodynamics in the Tekkedere valley during the last 6000 years. It is the first detailed study to address this issue using alluvial sediments from a long-term settled valley in the hinterland of Pergamon, a major ancient city in western Turkey.


Küçük Asya’daki En Büyük Tiyatro Yeniden Keşfedildi

Pergamon aşağı kentte yer alan Tiyatro, Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’nde inşa edilmiş büyük bir yapı grubunun parçasıdır. 20. yüzyılın ortalarında kısmen kazılmış olmasına karşın yapının mimarisine ilişkin kapsamlı bir çalışma gerçekleştirilmemişti. Yakın bir zaman önce, Türk ve Alman üyelerden oluşan ekipçe yürütülen sistematik araştırmalar sonucunda, Tiyatro’nun inşaat aşamalarına ilişkin yeni bilgiler de elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ayrıca, Tiyatro’nun Küçük Asya’daki en büyük antik tiyatro olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu durum Efes, Smyrna ve Bergama şehirleri arasındaki rekabetin ortaya çıkan bir yansımasıdır. Yapıya ait oluşturulan yeni plan, 1.2 sürümünde yayınlanacak olan Pergamon Dijital Haritası’na entegre edilmiştir.


3rd annual TransPergMicro meeting in Berlin (Jan, 13 and 14, 2023)

The thematic focus of this year’s meeting is on modelling.
Besides two keynote lectures from external guests, members of TransPergMicro will present their latest ideas and results on modelling, covering different ways of modelling and various resources.
In two breakout sessions, we will discuss general aspects of modelling in an interdisciplinary group of researchers, including different interpretations of the term modelling and the next steps of modelling in the Pergamon Micro-Region.


Unbekanntes Pergamon: Neue Erkenntnisse zur spätantiken und frühbyzantinischen Stadt

Die Siedlungsgeschichte und städtebauliche Entwicklung Pergamons sind durch mehrere Phasen der Ausdehnung, aber auch der Schrumpfung der Stadt gekennzeichnet, die im Laufe der Zeit ihren Charakter wiederholt verändert hat. Nach einer etwa 250-jährigen Geschichte als befestigte hellenistische Residenzstadt veränderte Pergamon erst in der römischen Kaiserzeit grundsätzlich sein Antlitz. Im Verlauf des 1. Jh. n. Chr. dehnte sich die Stadt über den alten Befestigungsring hinaus auf dem Schwemmfächer des Selinus aus


Ancient quarries in the vicinity of Pergamon

When you walk through the ruins of the ancient city of Pergamon today or look at the 3D reconstruction of the ancient city hill, you inevitably ask yourself where the many building stones for the countless streets, houses and monumental buildings came from. Where the stones were quarried and by what routes were they transported to the city and up the steep city hill? Similar questions are also being asked in our current TransPergMicro project. In interdisciplinary groups we investigate the building economy between the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods.