Rock inscriptions in the Aswan region
The rocky Cataract region in southern Egypt has long fascinated visitors. Even members of the ancient Egyptian elite left their marks on the rocky surfaces for millennia. Therefore, Elephantine Island […]
The rocky Cataract region in southern Egypt has long fascinated visitors. Even members of the ancient Egyptian elite left their marks on the rocky surfaces for millennia. Therefore, Elephantine Island […]
#SocialDistancing ist das Gebot der Stunde, auch wenn es uns schwer fällt. Der Mensch ist ein grundsätzlich soziales Wesen – Zusammenkünfte, gemeinsame Unternehmungen und Feste stehen auch am Anfang unserer […]
Bericht von Raisa Barthauer von der SUB Göttingen zu ihren Erkenntnissen von der RDA DE Tagung 2020 über Bedarfe und Hindernisse für ein nachhaltiges Datenmanagement.
The German Archaeological Institute, the home-base of the Göbekli Tepe Project (excavations and research conducted by the Orient and Istanbul Departments in close cooperation with the Şanlıurfa Haleplibahçe Museum, funded […]
We were asked in comments and messages to elaborate some more on the contents of our recent paper. So here is a short summary of the article recently published in […]
We have finally published some thoughts on processing and use of cereals at Göbekli Tepe. As the text is open access, we will just leave the link , some beautiful […]
The apparently anthropomorphic appearance and meaning of (at least some of) the T-shaped pillars known from Göbekli Tepe, Nevalı Çori (and likely many of the other sites with similar pillars […]
Recently a colleague from the University of Gothenburg, Bettina Schulz Paulsson, published a most interesting study [external link] about the origin and evolution of megalithic constructions in Europe (Schulz Paulsson […]
In 1894 a very special discovery was made in a peat bog c. 100 km north of Jekatarinburg in the Urals. Gold miners discovered fragments of an originally possibly 5.3 […]
In 1894 a very special discovery was made in a peat bog c. 100 km north of Jekatarinburg in the Urals. Gold miners discovered fragments of an originally possibly 5.3 […]
This is a short version of the article: O. Dietrich, L. Dietrich, J. Notroff, A clay mask depiction from Göbekli Tepe. Neo-Lithics 2018/01. During the 2001 excavation season at Göbekli […]
All archaeological finds of a site add to its history, but some can capture us with the underlying story. This is the case for an aurochs bone with an embedded […]
‘Special buildings‘ has become an often-used label in Near Eastern Archaeology for constructions deviating in architecture, elaborate inner fittings, finds and often also treatment after the end of use (intentional […]
This text has been published originally (and in slightly different form) as a short contribution by Oliver Dietrich and Klaus Schmidt (†) in Neo-Lithics [external link] 1/17, 43-46. The most striking […]
This is the English version of a text published by Oliver Dietrich and Jens Notroff in the latest issue of Aktüel Arkeoloji [external link]. Our knowledge of the early Neolithic […]