
This weblog is intended to provide an insight into ongoing archaeological research of the Römisch-Germanische Kommission (RGK) / Romano-Germanic Commission. As part of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) / German Archaeological Institute, the RGK conducts research into the pre- and protohistory of Europe from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, investigating the relations and mutual influences between humans and cultures in different regions through the ages. The Commission’s research projects all adopt a multi-national and interdisciplinary approach. This blog’s title, “Crossing Borders – Building Contacts”, is a deliberate reference to the RGK’s two central research fields:  Marginal Zones – Contact Zones”, focussing on human interactions from the Northern Balkans to Western Europe from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age; and “Crossing Frontiers in Iron Age and Roman Europe” (CROSSFIRE), which investigates the multi-faceted interactions within and between Mediterranean cultures and their northern neighbours from the early Iron Age to Late Antiquity.

Further information:
Official website of the German Archaeological Institute [Deutsches Archäologisches Institut].

Official website of the Romano-Germanic Commission.