Second NOS-HS Workshop on “Earthen architecture design and construction sustainability practice” hold in Lund, Sweden, 20th and 21st June 2022.
In the framework of the NENA Initiative and the Research cooperation on earthen architecture “Earthen Architecture in Nordic research: Historic knowledge, Social Impact and Sustainability” ( funded by the Nordic Research Council the second NOS-HS workshop on “Earthen Architecture Design and Construction Sustainability Practice” took place at KULTUREN in Lund, Sweden on June 20th and 21st, 2022.

Workshop participants working on mudbricks. (Photo: DAI-IST, M.Kinzel 2022)
The meeting was organised in cooperation with University of Malmö – Sweden, the University of Holár – Iceland, University of Helsinki – Finland, and German Archaeological Institute – Istanbul. Fourteen international experts for earthen architecture and conservation met to exchange their ideas and experiences with (ancient and contemporary) earthen construction, sustainable and climate-friendly building, as well as challenges with the conservation of earthen architecture.

NOS-HS-workshop at Kulturen, Lund (Photo: DAI-IST, M.Kinzel 2022)
The talks and discussion at Lund’s open air museum KULTUREN ( were accompanied by a hands-on workshop for earthen construction techniques and testing of different earthen materials.
Link to the video: