Unfortunately, the lecture “Luxus & Exotismus. Die Repräsentation des römischen Indienhandels im 1.-4. Jh. n. Chr.” on Thursday, 6 April 2023 has to be cancelled.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Indian Ocean was already in ancient times a highly frequented sailed region. From the late first century BC, Roman merchants also sent ships from the Red Sea to India, importing coveted luxury goods throughout the Roman Empire, especially to Rome.
Reflections of this trade are found in some Roman images. Especially Roman representations of India appear in mythical images of the triumph of Dionysos, which tell of luxury and conquest. Contemporary reports, on the other hand, draw economically oriented, historically glorifying, and morally-admonishing images of India.
Common to pictorial and written representations is that India is portrayed from a Roman perspective, for a Roman audience, and thus primarily serves a self-positioning.
The lecture is dedicated to the representations of trade in the Indian Ocean from a Roman perspective and the effect that representations from this perspective achieved.

THURSDAY, 06.04.2023, 18:00 (17:00 CEST)
Luxus & Exotismus. Die Repräsentation des römischen Indienhandels im 1. – 4. Jh. n. Chr.
Dr. Lilian Adlung-Schönheit (HAMBURG)
The hybrid event will take place in German. For online registration, please use the registration link. For physical participation please send an email to lectures.istanbul@dainst.de by 15:00 on the day of the lecture.