The project Building sustainability aims to investigate Levantine Iron Age earthen architecture as a reflection of social dynamics, using the approach of analysing mudbricks as material culture. The study examines changes in architectural form and technology alongside the reconstruction of technological and social processes of earthen materials manufacture and construction in monumental public architecture in Iron Age Cyprus and Levant. The interdisciplinary study combines building archaeology, geoarchaeology and anthropology of architecture. The lecture discusses the geoarchaeological results of mudbrick analysis in multiple sites and the inference we can make on past behaviors in architecture.
The research significance of this project is not only to understand the archaeological importance of mudbrick architecture, but also to positively re-evaluate earthen construction as a constructive and an efficient example of sustainable architecture that can help us in modern practices and incorporate lessons from the past to cope with the environmental challenges of the present.

The hybrid event will take place in English. For online registration, please use the registration link. For physical participation please send an email to by 15:00 on the day of the lecture.
THURSDAY, 04.05.2023, 18:00 (17:00 CEST)
Turning mud into bricks: sustainable building practices in the Iron Age Levant. A geoarchaeological investigation
Dr. Marta Lorenzon (HELSINKI)
Registration Link: