Istanbuler Mitteilungen 60/2010 to 70/2020 are available online as PDFs

The publication platform iDAI.publications is an important element in the digital research landscape ( of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).

iDAI.publications is a platform for digital editions of a large number of DAI journals, monographs, series and anthologies providing worldwide access. The Istanbul Department’s journal Istanbuler Mitteilungen (IstMitt) was first published over 80 years ago. Since 2022 the IstMitt is freely accessible in digital form alongside the print version from the very first day of publication.

Image: M. Ubben

We are delighted that articles from older issues (IstMitt 60/2010 to IstMitt 70/2020) are now also available online as PDFs.

Happy reading!