
Capacity Building Project in Bergama

Do you think that archaeological teams only deal with conducting excavation and publishing its results? Archaeology has become more an interdisciplinary field in the last decades. One essential aspect became the establishment of a sustainable balance between international scientific work and local social dynamics. In fact, involving the local community has taken its place in […]


Lecture Announcement: Assyrian, Hittites and Romans in Bogazköy/ Hattusa

Online Lecture „Assyrian, Hittites and Romans in Boğazköy/ Hattuša”, Thursday, 18. February 2021,18:00 (16:00 CET). Photo: Yasar Dallal In recent years, excavations in the northern Lower Town of Boğazköy have provided us with a fundamentally new view of the foundation of the Hittite capital and its development before this historically decisive turning point. Large storage […]


Lecture Programme 2020/ 2021

Our lecture programme 2020/ 2021 is now online! Lectures are planned as online events on Thursday evenings at 18.00 hrs (Istanbul time). Registration links will be posted on Yeni 2020/ 2021 dönemi konferans programımıza internet sayfamızdan erişebilirsiniz. Konferanslar; perşembe günleri, İstanbul saati ile 18:00’de Zoom üzerinden çevrimiçi olarak gerçekleştirilecektir. Tüm ilgilileri içtenlikle davet ediyoruz. […]


Syria 1999 Memories

Archaeology and traveling are very much connected. How to experience an archaeological context without traveling and visiting the actual sites? Travelling, archaeology, and photography joint from the beginning of photography. This blog will present some images taken in 1999 while visiting sites and cities in Syria as a DAI travel grant holder. Syrian archaeologists, architects, […]