
Book of the Month – May 2023

The book we would like to introduce this month is fresh from the press “Kirkbride at Çatalhöyük: The Çatalhöyük slides of Diana Kirkbride-Helbaek from 1963 (ed. by Moritz Kinzel)”. It contains many photographs of Çatalhöyük reliefs and wall paintings, some of which we have only known from drawings. It is well known that some of […]


Lecture Announcement: Continuity and Transformation in the Ionic Architecture of Hierapolis of Phrygia During the Hellenistic and Imperial Period

Hierapolis of Phrygia is located in Western Anatolia in the Lycus Valley (modern Pamukkale). The city was founded by the Seleucids in the late 3rd cent. BC and had an intense urban development throughout its history. The Ionic order was an essential, long-lasting architectural language, used from the Hellenistic to the Imperial age in public […]

Participants of the 7th Research_01

Mustafa Doğan

I started my undergraduate education in 2010 at the Department of Geography at Isparta Süleyman Demirel University. In my master’s thesis, which I completed in the same department between 2014 and 2017, I conducted research at Mucur Obruk Lake in Central Anatolia (Kırşehir-Mucur). The aim of my thesis was to explain the paleo-vegetation changes of […]

Participants of the 7th Research_01

Robert Busch

I am a geographer from Berlin. From 2014 to 2020 I studied at the Institute of Geographical Sciences at Freie Universität Berlin. I completed the bachelor’s program in Geographical Sciences in 2018 and the consecutive master’s program in Geographical Environmental Research in 2020. During my studies, I specialized in physical geography, emphasizing geomorphological analysis and […]

Participants of the 7th Research_01

Francesco G. Barsacchi

Francesco G. Barsacchi is a Hittitologist, currently assistant professor at the University of Turin (within the project: ITSERR – Italian Strengthening of the European Research Infrastructure RESILIENCE). His research interests focus on Hittite language and culture, with a special attention dedicated to the religious sphere. From this point of view, he has investigated several aspects […]

Participants of the 7th Research_01

Julia Koch

Since 2008 I was trained in Black Sea Archaeology in the Pompeiopolis Excavation Project, where I became director of the Pompeiopolis field school (2014–2016) and performed a predoctoral research project on Economics within the Roman cityscape. Spatial analyses in the Paphlagonian metropolis Pompeiopolis in the Turkish Black Sea Region. In 2018 I was awarded the […]