
Pergamon Buluşmaları

Bergama Müzesi ve Pergamon Kazısı Bergamalıları geçmiş zamanda bir yolculuğa çağırıyor. Arkeolojik kazı ekibi üyeleri ve müze yetkilileri tarafından düzenlenen turlar Cumartesi günleri saat 16.00’da. Etkinliklere tüm Bergama halkı davetlidir. Ören yeri girişleri ücretsizdir. Kayıt gerekli değildir. Saha buluşmaları için araziye uygun ayakkabı giyilmesi tavsiye olunur.  Pergamon Buluşmaları, Bergama Müzesi ve Pergamon Kazısı (Kazı Başkanlığı) […]


Call for Papers: Amphoras and the Archaeology of Ancient Economies (8th through 1st centuries BC). Mobilizing Knowledge in a New Generation

Research on transport amphoras is a major subject of interest in the field of pottery studies due to their role in ancient trade and economy. In recent decades, their production, distribution, and consumption throughout the Mediterranean have drawn considerable attention, leading to new research questions prompted by the increasing number of publications. The forthcoming conference, […]


Lecture Announcement: Turning Mud Into Bricks

The project Building sustainability aims to investigate Levantine Iron Age earthen architecture as a reflection of social dynamics, using the approach of analysing mudbricks as material culture. The study examines changes in architectural form and technology alongside the reconstruction of technological and social processes of earthen materials manufacture and construction in monumental public architecture in […]


Lecture Announcement: Re-Considering Hellenistic North Mesopotamia. Investigations at Girdi Matrab and in the Erbil Plain

The transition from Assyria to the Seleucids in North Mesopotamia is one of the most fascinating examples of imperial durability, manifested through phenomena of change and resilience. In this talk I will use a multi-scalar approach to explore the transformation of the settlements structure in the former Assyrian heartland from the late Iron Age to […]


Event Announcement! Archaeo-Informatics: Challenges in Digital Archaeology

Modern archaeology is increasingly reliant on digital technology, from the documentation of finds and features through subsequent analyses and up to the resulting publications. This is, of course, quite wonderful, but this trend also presents archaeologists with previously unexpected challenges. Under the title “Archaeo-Informatics: Challenges in Digital Archaeology”, the Istanbul Department of the German Archaeological […]


Workshop “Earthen Architecture Design and Construction Sustainability Practice”

Second NOS-HS Workshop on “Earthen architecture design and construction sustainability practice” hold in Lund, Sweden, 20th and 21st June 2022. In the framework of the NENA Initiative and the Research cooperation on earthen architecture “Earthen Architecture in Nordic research: Historic knowledge, Social Impact and Sustainability” ( funded by the Nordic Research Council the second NOS-HS […]