
Lecture Announcement: Galen’s Pergamon: Current Research on a Roman Metropolis and its Microregion

In conjunction with the online exhibition “The Empire’s Physician: Prosperity, Plague, and Healing in Ancient Rome” of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University, Prof. Dr. Felix Pirson will give a lecture of “Galen’s Pergamon: Current Research on a Roman Metropolis and its Microregion” on Thursday, 22nd April […]


DAInsight “Human-Environment Interactions in Prehistoric Anatolia” – Recording

For those of you who missed the lecture “Human-Environment Interactions in Prehistoric Anatolia” by our colleague Dr. Lee Clare (DAI Istanbul) joined by Prof. Dr. Faruk Ocakoğlu (Eskişehir Osmangazi University) and Doç. Dr. Çiler Çilingiroğlu (Ege University, Izmir) within the DAInsight series and of course for everyone who would like to watch it again – […]


Lecture Announcement: Constantinople in Late Antiquity: Sacred Space and Urban Topography

Online Lecture “Constantinople in Late Antiquity: Sacred Space and Urban Topography”, Thursday, 15. April 2021,18:00 (17:00 CET) (Image: Peutinger’s Map after K. Miller) After Constantinople was inaugurated by the emperor Constantine in 330 CE, the city quickly earned its reputation as the New Rome. Protected by virtually unbreachable fortifications, it housed the imperial palace, the […]


In Memory of Renate Schiele

Renate Schiele (29.6.1932 – 20.3.2021) We recently heard the sad news about the passing of the photographer Renate Schiele whose shared her passion for photography with her husband the photographer Wolf Schiele, who was employed as a photographer at the Istanbul department from 1965 until his pension in 1992. Her photographs made such a significant […]


DAInsight – Building in Byzantium: Impact of Maritime Aspects – Recording

DAInsight 2021 – Online lecture series about new research at the German Archaeological Institute. Building in Byzantium: Impact of Maritime Aspects – Recording Assist. Prof. Dr. Michael R. Jones, Koç University, Dr. Alkiviadis Ginalis, DAI, Istanbul Department, Moderation by Prof. Dr. Felix Pirson, DAI, Istanbul Department Although Byzantine shipwrecks and harbour sites have been excavated […]


Lecture Announcement: Assyrian, Hittites and Romans in Bogazköy/ Hattusa

Online Lecture „Assyrian, Hittites and Romans in Boğazköy/ Hattuša”, Thursday, 18. February 2021,18:00 (16:00 CET). Photo: Yasar Dallal In recent years, excavations in the northern Lower Town of Boğazköy have provided us with a fundamentally new view of the foundation of the Hittite capital and its development before this historically decisive turning point. Large storage […]