
Lecture Announcement: Assyrian, Hittites and Romans in Bogazköy/ Hattusa

Online Lecture „Assyrian, Hittites and Romans in Boğazköy/ Hattuša”, Thursday, 18. February 2021,18:00 (16:00 CET). Photo: Yasar Dallal In recent years, excavations in the northern Lower Town of Boğazköy have provided us with a fundamentally new view of the foundation of the Hittite capital and its development before this historically decisive turning point. Large storage […]


Lecture Programme 2020/ 2021

Our lecture programme 2020/ 2021 is now online! Lectures are planned as online events on Thursday evenings at 18.00 hrs (Istanbul time). Registration links will be posted on Yeni 2020/ 2021 dönemi konferans programımıza internet sayfamızdan erişebilirsiniz. Konferanslar; perşembe günleri, İstanbul saati ile 18:00’de Zoom üzerinden çevrimiçi olarak gerçekleştirilecektir. Tüm ilgilileri içtenlikle davet ediyoruz. […]


Syria 1999 Memories

Archaeology and traveling are very much connected. How to experience an archaeological context without traveling and visiting the actual sites? Travelling, archaeology, and photography joint from the beginning of photography. This blog will present some images taken in 1999 while visiting sites and cities in Syria as a DAI travel grant holder. Syrian archaeologists, architects, […]


NENA – Near Eastern Neolithic Architecture

The study of Neolithic Architecture An initiative for interdisciplinary research and exchange of knowledge on Neolithic architecture in the Middle East has now been launched by the building archaeology and heritage conservation unit of the Istanbul Department together with the Göbekli Tepe Project. Despite the fact that the architecture of the Near Eastern Neolithic is […]


Arşivi Kazmak

Ve Erna Eckstein’ı Bulmak Erna Eckstein sergisi online olarak izleyicilerle buluştu. İlk günden itibaren güzel geri dönüşümler aldık. Gelen tepkilerin bir kısmı arşivden çıkan malzemenin yaratıcı bir şekilde kullanılması ile ilgili övgülerdi. Belli ki arşivde yapılan keşif, sadece arşivciyi değil buna şahit olanı da heyecanlandırıyor. Pek çok arşiv materyalinin raflarda unutulduğu düşünülürse tabii ki bu […]


Digging the Archive

And Finding Erna Eckstein The Erna Eckstein Exhibition was launched on Sunday December 6th and has been visited by an unexpected large online audience. Since the numerous feedbacks demand an answer, this contribution is an attempt to give one. A part of the responses praise the creative use of archival material. Obviously, discoveries made in […]