
Conference Announcement: Amphoras and the Archaeology of Ancient Economies (8th to the 1st Centuries BC): Mobilizing Knowledge in a New Generation

Recent decades have seen a great expansion of attention to the production, distribution, and consumption of transport amphoras throughout the Mediterranean. This expansion is due in part to the encouragement of the PATABS conferences, the welcoming setting of the IARPotHP conferences, where an increasing number of papers are concerned with amphoras, and the amphora-focused conferences […]



On 31.10.2024 Prof. Dr. Hermann Genz will start the Lecture Programme 2024/ 2025 of the Istanbul Department with a lecture on ‘Iron Age Burial Customs in Central Anatolia: the View from Boğazköy’. The discussion of Iron Age burial customs in Central Anatolia has largely been dominated by the spectacular discoveries from the monumental tumuli from […]


Istanbuler Mitteilungen Volume 73

The 73rd volume of the Istanbuler Mitteilungen has been published! From the Neolithic architecture of eastern Anatolia to the Roman imperial period on the west coast of Anatolia and the Byzantine architectural sculpture in Phrygia, there are many exciting articles. ©DAI-IST | Authors: Coverphoto: © Sagalassos Archaeological Research ProjectDesign: LMK Büro für Kommunikationsdesign To access […]


Extension of the Submission Deadline: Archaeo-Informatics 2024 “Use and Challenges of AI in Archaeology”

Artificial Intelligence is going to change, or has already changed, many areas of archaeological research. Keywords related to archaeology and AI are data management, big data, automatic classification of artefact analyses, or robotics in the field. Methods and tasks that are already in daily use in archaeological projects. But with all the potential, this technology […]


Between Slides and Photo Portfolios: kulturweit Volunteers at the Istanbul Department of the German Archaeological Institute

“That’s beautiful!” Emma is holding an old photo and pointing to a magnificent Ottoman wooden building. The picture is from the photo archive at the German Archaeological Institute’s Istanbul Department, where we, Emma and Elisa, are working as kulturweit-Volunteers. Emma Bobbert and Elisa Karam kulturweit-Voluteers 2023 / 2024. Author: B. Güler Emma and I are […]


Zwischen Dias und Fotopappen: kulturweit-Freiwillige an der Istanbuler Abteilung des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts

„Ist das schön!“ – Emma hält gerade ein altes Foto in der Hand und deutet auf ein prachtvolles osmanisches Holzgebäude. Das Bild stammt aus dem Fotoarchiv des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts der Abteilung Istanbul, in dem wir, Emma und Elisa, als kulturweit-Freiwillige arbeiten. Emma Bobbert und Elisa Karam kulturweit-Freiwillige 2023 / 2024. Autor: B. Güler Mit […]


Call for Papers: Archaeo-Informatics 2024 “Use and Challenges of AI in Archaeology”

Artificial Intelligence is going to change, or has already changed, many areas of archaeological research. Keywords related to archaeology and AI are data management, big data, automatic classification of artefact analyses, or robotics in the field. Methods and tasks that are already in daily use in archaeological projects. But with all the potential, this technology […]


CALL FOR PAPERS: City and Micro-region in the Ancient Mediterranean (and Beyond)

Next year, the Istanbul and Madrid departments of the German Archaeological Institute will organize two joint conferences on “City and Micro-region in the Ancient Mediterranean (and Beyond)”. Madrid Conference German Archaeological Institute in Madrid, 21st – 23rd May 2025 “City & Micro-Region Configurations” Themes City & micro-region configurations as complex socio-ecological systems Temporal scales and […]