
Lecture is Cancelled: Luxus & Exotismus. Die Repräsentation des römischen Indienhandels im 1. – 4. Jh. n. Chr.

Unfortunately, the lecture “Luxus & Exotismus. Die Repräsentation des römischen Indienhandels im 1.-4. Jh. n. Chr.” on Thursday, 6 April 2023 has to be cancelled. Thank you for your understanding. The Indian Ocean was already in ancient times a highly frequented sailed region. From the late first century BC, Roman merchants also sent ships from […]


Lecture Announcement: Holy Water in Late Antique Sacred Spaces in Asia Minor

On their journeys to distant and unknown lands, late antique pilgrims experienced sacred landscapes marked by special natural formations. At these sacred sites, the touching of objects, relics, and natural elements associated with holy events and figures, as well as participation in religious rites, allowed the pilgrim to feel closer to the divine and preserve […]


March Lectures Postponed

In light of the horrible earthquakes and the great suffering they brought, there will be no public lectures in March. The events will be rescheduled at the next possible date. We will send you new and updated information in due time. Our hearts are with the victims, their families, friends, and neighbours. Thank you for […]


Lecture Announcement: Sirkeli Höyük. Struktur und Dynamik einer antiken Stadtlandschaft im Ebenen Kilikien -postponed-             

We ask for your understanding that, in view of the catastrophic earthquakes and the great suffering associated with them, we are postponing the lecture on 16 February. The lecture will be rescheduled for a later date. The Sirkeli Höyük, located about 40km east of Adana on the Ceyhan River, is one of the largest Bronze […]

7th Research Network

Call for Participation for the 7th Research Network of the Istanbul Department

Socio-Ecological Approaches to the History and Archaeology of Anatolia The research networks of the Istanbul Department of the DAI and its partners aim to strengthen the exchange of knowledge between scholars from German, Turkish and international universities and academic institutions. The networks, which have been taking place since 2007, address mainly – but not exclusively […]


Event Announcement! Archaeo-Informatics: Challenges in Digital Archaeology

Modern archaeology is increasingly reliant on digital technology, from the documentation of finds and features through subsequent analyses and up to the resulting publications. This is, of course, quite wonderful, but this trend also presents archaeologists with previously unexpected challenges. Under the title “Archaeo-Informatics: Challenges in Digital Archaeology”, the Istanbul Department of the German Archaeological […]


Boğazköy/Hattuşa´da 3500 yıllık gizem

Türkiye’nin başkenti Ankara’nın yaklaşık 200 km doğusunda, Boğazkale İlçesin (eski adıyla Boğazköy) yakınlarında, Hitit İmparatorluğu’nun başkenti Hattuşa (UNESCO Dünya Mirası Alanı ve UNESCO Dünya Belleği) yer almaktadır. MÖ 2. Binyılda Hitit İmparatorluğu Batı Asya’nın büyük bir bölümüne hâkim olmuş ve Mısır, Babil ile Asur’un en güçlü rakiplerden biri olmuştur. 116 yıldan beri süregelen Hattuşa arkeolojik […]