
Ein 3500 Jahre altes Geheimnis in Boğazköy/Hattuscha

Etwa 200 km östlich der türkischen Hauptstadt Ankara liegt unmittelbar bei der Kleinstadt Boğazkale (früher Boğazköy) die bronzezeitliche Stadtruine von Hattuscha, Hauptstadt des hethitischen Großreichs (UNESCO Weltkulturerbe und UNESCO Memory of the World). Dieses beherrschte im 2. Jahrtausend v. Chr. weite Teile Westasiens und bildete einen mächtigen Gegenspieler Ägyptens, Babyloniens und Assyriens. Seit 116 Jahren […]


Lecture Announcement: “Pergamon und seine vielschichtige Kulturlandschaft”

On 16 November 1972, the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, in short the World Heritage Convention, was decided by the UNESCO General Conference in Paris. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of this event, this year’s DAInsight series under the title “50 Jahre Welterbekonvention” presents world heritage sites […]


Workshop “Earthen Architecture Design and Construction Sustainability Practice”

Second NOS-HS Workshop on “Earthen architecture design and construction sustainability practice” hold in Lund, Sweden, 20th and 21st June 2022. In the framework of the NENA Initiative and the Research cooperation on earthen architecture “Earthen Architecture in Nordic research: Historic knowledge, Social Impact and Sustainability” ( funded by the Nordic Research Council the second NOS-HS […]


New Website Miletus Excavation

The Miletus Excavation ( has a new website that provides information about the ruins of Miletus, its landscape, and its history. Miletus was one of the most important cities of classical antiquity. Photo: Miletus Excavation, University Hamburg The first excavations took place more than 130 years ago. Since 2018, they have been carried out by […]


Turkish-European Archaeology Days

This week are the European Archaeology Days. Within this framework the French Institute for Anatolian Studies (IFEA) and the French Institute of Turkey – Istanbul are holding the Turkish-European Archaeology Days from 17 to 19 June 2022. The event is opened to the public and will be held at the French Institute of Turkey – […]

Archaeological Research More Than Digging

Experimental Archaeology – Research Strategy with a WOW Factor

What is the job of an archaeologist? Generally speaking: The archaeologist reconstructs the past of mankind and researches cultural development. And to be more precise: During excavations, archaeologists uncover the material legacies of past times and interpret them. Archaeologists and visitors interpret uncovered structures during an excavation. Graphic: DAI-IST, M. Kinzel We people of the […]


The Many “Lives” of Ancient Buildings. Aspects of Continuity, Maintenance, Upkeep, Abandonment, Demolition, and Rebuilding

The 4th seminar of the 6th Research Network „Building, Building Economy and Building Sites“ was held online on April 1st and 2nd, 2022. It focused on the “lifecycle” of ancient buildings (Fig. 1). In this context, we asked for models for upkeep, repair and reuse. Another point was the relationship between continuity and change as […]