

Contributions of SPP members – SPP 2143, German Archaeological Institute

  • J. Sigl / F. Lukas / J. Linstädter, Knotenpunkte und Grenzen – Forschungen zum vernetzten Afrika. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 8–10.
  • U. Nowotnick / A. Höhn / J. Eger-Karberg / T. Karberg / S. Matthews / M. Dinies, Wirtschaftsformen der Savanne – Neben- und Miteinander verschiedener Lebensweisen. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 11–16.
  • M. Dinies / P. Hoelzmann / F. Darius / A. Höhn / U. Nowotnick, Knotenpunkt Oase – Leben und Wirtschaften in der Sahara. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 17–19.
  • N. Gestrich, Der mittlere Nigerlauf – Ein Gunstraum für Innovation. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 20–23.
  • J. Eger-Karberg / T. Karberg, Transfer von Waren und Ideen – Kordofan als Wegekreuz, Antike Welt 3, 2024, 24–29.
  • H.-P. Wotzka / J. Lebamba, Waldweltenwandel – Mensch und Natur im Kongobecken. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 30–34.

Magazine Website

Article – Project 01 – Necked Axes

F. Jesse, Discoveries in old collections – new radiocarbon evidence from the Tilemsi Valley, Mali. Nyame Akuma 100, 2023, 30-33.

Article – Project 02 – Connecting Foodways

U. Nowotnick, Glimpses into cooking practices — observations on past and present Sudanese griddle baking. Afriques 14, 2023. DOI: 10.4000/afriques.4167

Article – Projects 04 & 13 – Lake Chad & Tracing Connections

S. Magnavita / B.L. MacDonald / C. Magnavita / A. Oga, LA-ICP-MS analysis of glass beads from Tié (12th-14th centuries), Kanem, Chad: evidence of trans-Sudanic exchanges. Archaeometry 66.1, 2024, 100–118. DOI: 10.1111/arcm.12898.

Article – Project 12 – Coordination

F. Lukas, (In)visible Ptolemaic Queens: A New Inclusive Approach to Ancient Chronologies and Their Modern Use. Journal of Global Archaeology 2023, 238–263. DOI: 10.34780/f0bx-bt4r.

Article – Project 07 – Routes of Interaction

K. Pfeiffer / J. Hardt / C. Breninek / N. Nir / I. Gerlach / D. Raue / B. Schütt. Routes of interaction across northern central Tigray (Ethiopia) between 2nd and 1st millennium BCE: Interdisciplinary research in the Rama area. Journal of Global Archaeology. 2023, 162–203. DOI: 10.34780/dt6n-6d15.

Article – Project 03 – InterLINK

J. Eger-Karberg / T. Karberg, Interregional Linkage Investigations in Northern Kordofan
(InterLINK). Report on the first project phase (2017-2022),
Sudan & Nubia 26, 2022, 82-93.

Article – Project 05 – Cultivated Landscapes

A. Höhn / E. Mushayikwa / S. Schoeman, Earth, Water, Air, and Fire – Thinking about Farming and Farmscapes, Afr Archaeol Rev, 2023, DOI: 10.1007/s10437-023-09542-9

Article – Project 04 – Lake Chad Region as Crossroads

C. Magnavita, A Unique Twelfth- to Fourteenth-Century AD Iron Nail Assemblage from Kanem, Chad, Journal of African Archaeology 21.1, 2023, 33-45, DOI: 10.1163/21915784-bja10021

Article – Project 07 – Routes of Interactions

J. Hardt / N. Nir / B. Schütt, Combining Historical Maps, Travel Itineraries and Least-Cost Path Modelling to Reconstruct Pre-Modern Travel Routes and Locations in Northern Tigray (Ethiopia), The Cartographic Journal, 1-17, 2023, 10.1080/00087041.2022.2150363

Article – Project 07 – Routes of Interaction

J. Hardt / N. Nir / C. Lüthgens / T.M. Menn / B. Schütt, Palaeoenvironmental research at Hawelti–Melazo (Tigray, northern Ethiopia) – insights from sedimentological and geomorphological analyses, E&G Quaternary Sci. J. 72, 2023, 37-55. 10.5194/egqsj-72-37-2023

Article – Project 04 – Lake Chad Region as Crossroads

C. Magnavita / M. Kardjala / A.C. Adjbane, A brief archaeological reconnaissance of northern Kanem, Chad: initial evidence of early to mid-Holocene human occupation of the Lake Mega-Chad margins, Nyame Akuma 99, 2023, 21-28

Article – Project 11 – FAIR.rdm

L. Lammers / E. Reinke / E. Fäder, Archäologisches Forschungsdatenmanagement in der Praxis: Das Projekt FAIR.rdm im SPP2143 „Entangled Africa“, Archäologische Informationen 45, 2022,

Article – Project 1 – Necked Axes

F. Jesse / R. Hollerbach / A. Schröder / V. Wennrich, The signature of the stones: pXRF studies on prehistoric axes from the Eastern Sahara, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49, 2023,

Article – Project 2 – Connecting Foodways

Journal Website

Article – Project 4 – Lake Chad Region as Corssroads

Publisher Website

Article – Project 1 & 2 – Necked Axes & Connecting Foodways

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Article – Project 02 – Connecting Foodways

S. Matthews, Cooking up connections, dishing out diffusion: The culinary connections of ceramic griddle plates in northeast Africa, in: Johan Nicolay & Mans Schepers (Eds.), Embracing the salt marsh: foraging, farming and food preparation in the Dutch-German coastal area up to AD 1600 – Studies in honour of Annet Nieuwhof, Groningen Archaeological Studies 42, Groningen 2022, 141-160.


Book – Project 02 – Connecting Foodways

U. Nowotnick, Ceramic Technology, Production and Use in an Urban Settlement on the Middle Nile. The Pottery Assemblage from Late Meroitic Hamadab, Sudan (2nd to 4th century A.D.), Archäologische Forschungen in Afrika 1, Wiesbaden 2022.

Publisher Website

Article – Project 10 – Inner Congo Basin

K. Neumann / B. Eichhorn / H.-P. Wotzka, Iron Age plant subsistence in the Inner Congo Basin (DR Congo). Veget Hist Archaeobot, 2022, doi:

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Article – Project 06 – DeGree

M. Dinies/L. Schimmel/P. Hoelzmann/S. Kröpelin/F. Darius/R. Neef, Holocene high-altitude vegetation dynamics on Emi Koussi, Tibesti Mountains (Chad, Central Sahara), in: J. Runge/W. D. Gosling/A.-M. Lézine/L. Scott (Eds.), Quaternary Vegetation Dynamics – The African Pollen Database, London 2021, 27-49.

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Article – Project 12 – Coordination

J. Sigl/J. Linstädter, Jahrtausendealt: Netzwerke südlich der Sahara, Archäologie in Deutschland 04, 2021, 14-19.

Website of the magazin

PAPER – Project 3 – InterLINK

J. Eger-Karberg/T. Karberg, Wasser für Gala Abu Ahmed. Ein Paläo-Drainagesystem zwischen Jebel Nagaschusch und Wadi Howar (Sudan) im Radar-Satellitenbild, Der Antike Sudan 32, 2021, 99-108

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PAPER – Project 12 – Coordination

J. Sigl/J. Linstädter, South of the Sahara, Africa. »Entangled Africa« – new interdisciplinary research from Africa’s east to west coast. December 2018 to December 2020, in: eDAI-F 2021-1, 2021.

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[Attribution: unknown; Copyright: MDPI Open Access Journals]
PAPER – Project 7 – Routes of Interaction

R. Busch – J. Hardt – N. Nir – B. Schütt, Modeling Gully Erosion Susceptibility to Evaluate Human Impact on a Local Landscape System in Tigray, Ethiopia, Remote Sensing 13, 10, 2021, 2009, doi: 10.3390/rs13102009.

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PAPER – Project 7 – Routes of Interaction

N. Nir/D. Knitter/J. Hardt/B. Schütt, Human movement and gully erosion: Investigating feedback mechanisms using Frequency Ratio and Least Cost Path analysis in Tigray, Ethiopia, in: PLoS ONE 16/2, 2021.

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PAPER – Project 4 – The Lake Chad region as a crossroad

C. Magnavita, Early Kanem-Borno fired brick élite locations in Kanem, Chad: archaeological and historical implications, in: Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 56/1, 2021, 1-40.

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PAPER – Project 4 – The Lake Chad region as a crossroad

C. Magnavita/T. Bouimon, Archaeological research at Tié (Kanem, Chad): excavations on Mound 1 / Recherches archéologiques à Tié (Kanem, Tchad) : fouilles du monticule 1, in: Afrique : Archéologie & Arts 16, 2020, 77-96.

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PAPER – Project 3 – InterLINK

J. Eger/T. Karberg, Nord-Kordofan im Satellitenbild. Vorbericht über die Forschungen des InterLINK-Projektes 2020, in: Der Antike Sudan 31, 2020, 87-98.

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PAPER – Project 5 – Cultivated Landscapes

A. Höhn et al., After the flood and with the people – Late Holocene changes of the woody vegetation in the southwestern Chad Basin, Nigeria, in: Quarternary International, 2020, in press. DOI:

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CONTRIBUTION – Project 4 – The Lake Chad region as a crossroads

C. Magnavita/A. Sani Sule, Central Sudan, in: B. J. Walker/T. Insoll/C. Fenwick, The Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology, Oxford 2020, DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199987870.013.19.

Available online
PAPER – in collaboration with Project 10 – Archaeology and Paleoecology in the Inner Congo Basin

M. Bleasdale/H.-P. Wotzka et al., Isotopic and microbotanical insights into Iron Age agriculture reliance in the Central African rainforest, Communications Biology 3, Article number 619, 2020.

PAPER – Project 7 – Routes of Interaction

K. Pfeiffer/I. Gerlach, Rama, Ethiopia (Tigray). Routes of Interaction – New Research in the Rama Valley. Season 2018 and 2019, in: e-DAI 2020-2, 2020, § 1–7,

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PAPER – Project 2 – Connecting Foodways

U. Nowotnick/S. Matthews, Meroe, Sudan. Connecting Foodways. Ein neues Projekt zu Esstraditionen in Nordost-Afrika und ihren kulturellen Verflechtungen, in: e-Forschungsbericht des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 1, 2020, 78-84.

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PAPER – Project 2 – Connecting Foodways

S. Matthews/U. Nowotnick, Culinary interactions: connecting foodways in Early Iron Age Africa, in: Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 54/4, 2019, 468-486.

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PAPER – Project 3 – InterLINK

J. Eger/T. Karberg/A. Lohwasser, Medieval Presence at the Periphery of the Nubian  State of Makuria: Examples from the Wadi Abu Dom and  the Jebel al-Ain in Dotawo, in: A Journal of Nubian Studies 6 (1), 2019, 149-174.

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BOOK CHAPTER – Project 3 – InterLINK

J. Eger, The Land of Ṭarī’ and Some New Thoughts on Its Location, in: A. Eger (ed.), The Archaeology of Medieval Islamic Frontiers. From the Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea, Louisville 2019, 119–136.


PAPER – Project 3 – InterLINK

J. Eger/T. Karberg, Neue Forschungen in Nord-Kordofan. Vorbericht über die Feldkampagnen des InterLINK-Projektes der Jahre 2017 und 2018, in: MittSAG 30, 2019, 131-146.

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PAPER – Project 4 – The Lake Chad region as a crossroad

C. Magnavita/Z. Dangbet/T. Bouimon, The Lake Chad region as a crossroads: an archaeological and oral historical research project on early Kanem-Borno and its intra-African connections, in: Afrique : Archéologie & Arts 15, 2019, 97-110. DOI:

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CONTRIBUTIONS  OF SPP-Members – German Archaeological Institute

P. von Rummel/J. Linstädter, Networks for Africa, in: Archaeology Worldwide 2, 2018, 10-17.
J. Linstädter, History and perception of a continent, in: Archaeology Worldwide 2, 2018, 38-51.
S. Magnavita, Beyond North Africa, in: Archaeology Worldwide 2, 2018, 57-61.
I. Gerlach/M. Schnelle, Museums for Africa – A new museum in Ethiopia, in: Archaeology Worldwide 2, 2018, 82-87.

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