“Entangled Africa”-Presentation at the Sudan Day 2022

Attribution: Sandra Steiß; Copyright: SMB Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung

"Entangled Africa"-Presentation at the Sudan Day 2022

On June 18, this year’s Sudan Day will take place under the title “The Middle Nile Valley and its Neighbors”. The planned lectures will deal with a variety of exciting topics, which will certainly be of interest to SPP members as well as researchers from other disciplines.

From the ranks of the SPP, Jana Eger-Karberg from the InterLINK project will present current research results. In her lecture on “Sand, Satellites and Statistics — Geo-Archaeology in Western Sudan on the Computer” she will take the audience on a journey through virtual archaeology and show what new insights can be gained with the help of modern technologies, even if direct access to the sites should be denied.

This year, participation is possible both on-site and online. Further information on participation can be found on the website of the Sudanarchaeological Society of Berlin: https://www.sag-online.de/sudantag-sudan-day-2022-in-berlin-online-am-on-18-juni-june/.

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