Publication: The SPP “Entangled Africa” in the Magazine Antike Welt

Contributions of SPP members – SPP 2143, German Archaeological Institute

  • J. Sigl / F. Lukas / J. Linstädter, Knotenpunkte und Grenzen – Forschungen zum vernetzten Afrika. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 8–10.
  • U. Nowotnick / A. Höhn / J. Eger-Karberg / T. Karberg / S. Matthews / M. Dinies, Wirtschaftsformen der Savanne – Neben- und Miteinander verschiedener Lebensweisen. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 11–16.
  • M. Dinies / P. Hoelzmann / F. Darius / A. Höhn / U. Nowotnick, Knotenpunkt Oase – Leben und Wirtschaften in der Sahara. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 17–19.
  • N. Gestrich, Der mittlere Nigerlauf – Ein Gunstraum für Innovation. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 20–23.
  • J. Eger-Karberg / T. Karberg, Transfer von Waren und Ideen – Kordofan als Wegekreuz, Antike Welt 3, 2024, 24–29.
  • H.-P. Wotzka / J. Lebamba, Waldweltenwandel – Mensch und Natur im Kongobecken. Antike Welt 3, 2024, 30–34.

Magazine Website

Part of the Editorial (L. Hellmayr):

Africa harbours the longest history of humankind and its ancestors on our planet. The continent fascinates with its diverse nature and at the same time presents its inhabitants with great challenges: They have always had to adapt to environmental changes and develop new survival strategies. The material culture, archaeobotanical finds and written documents provide insights into past times and provide evidence of exchanges across great distances. These networks can be seen, for example, in the spread of words and expressions as well as craft techniques and certain goods such as ceramics, burial types and crops. Despite the global and regional crises in the project partner countries in recent years, the methodologically interdisciplinary projects of the DFG Priority Programme “Entangled Africa” have been able to achieve important results.

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