New publication on current research of the Connecting Foodways project.
Announcement for a presentation from project 03 "InterLINK" at Sudantag 2022
Lecture at EHESS in Paris on the current research results from project 04 "The Lake Chad Region as a Crossroads".
Published dissertation on pottery use in Meroitic Hamadab.
The 8th annual meeting of TANA, held in Ghana from February the 22nd to the 24th, 2022, was also attended by researchers from the SPP.
Archaeobotanical study of useful plant cultivation in the Inner Congo Basin during the Iron Age.
Publication on vegetation dynamics in the Tibesti Mountains highland regions of Chad
At the SPP annual meeting held on Jan. 10, 2022, participants were able to enjoy the research results to date, along with exciting new findings.
In the journal "Archäologie in Deutschland" the coordinators describe the general content of their research project.
The research results of the SPP "Entangeld Africa" will be presented to the public at different locations in Africa and Germany with a flexible exhibition concept.