Report on the final annual meeting of the Entangled Africa programme which took place at the University of Münster from 10th to 12th February 2025.
Good things come to those who wait. The opening of the “Planet Africa” exhibition in the James-Simon-Galerie was a complete success for the international researchers and guests
Report on the Annual Meeting 2024 of the SPP which took place at the University of Cologne in mid January.
Detailed report about the SPP's contriubutions at the 2023 SAfA in Houston.
Describing the conference experience in Frankfurt. In and beyond the conference room.
At the SPP annual meeting held on Jan. 10, 2022, participants were able to enjoy the research results to date, along with exciting new findings.
On August 24, 2021, the time had finally come: During the 25th conference of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists, the virtual session "Entangled Africa: Interactions, relations and networks within Africa" organized by Alexa Höhn and Friederike Jesse took place. There was a lively discussion and exchange about prehistoric depictions of herdsmen up to the copper trade of the 19th century.
On Aug. 24, 2021, the 'Entangled Africa' research symposium "Interactions, relations and networks within Africa" will be held as part of SAfA 2021. From prehistoric pastoral representations in the Sahara to the 19th century copper trade, a wide range of topics will be discussed.
Visiting museum collections to gather comparative material is an important part of my project. Corona has caused quite a stir here. So it was a welcome circumstance that a visit to the Musée de l’Homme in Paris in July, which had already been planned at the beginning of the year, could actually take place. [...]
Ceramic processing must be flexible, able to adapt to the conditions of excavation and object. At the same time, the records of those working on this find genre from different regions should be comparable. Done to speed up and standardize the ceramic recording on site, the elaboration of the catalogue was successfully completed. [...]