On August 24, 2021, the time had finally come: During the 25th conference of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists, the virtual session "Entangled Africa: Interactions, relations and networks within Africa" organized by Alexa Höhn and Friederike Jesse took place. There was a lively discussion and exchange about prehistoric depictions of herdsmen up to the copper trade of the 19th century.
On Aug. 24, 2021, the 'Entangled Africa' research symposium "Interactions, relations and networks within Africa" will be held as part of SAfA 2021. From prehistoric pastoral representations in the Sahara to the 19th century copper trade, a wide range of topics will be discussed.
Entangled Africa' encompasses both the connectivity of people and the connectivity with and of ecosystems, plants, and landscapes. In the second meeting of the methodological working group "Natural Sciences", the course was set for collaborative research and data management across project boundaries.
Two new directors of the DAI's departments come from the ranks of the SPP: Jörg Linstädter will succeed Burkhard Vogt at the KAAK in October 2021; Dietrich Raue will succeed Stephan Seidlmayer at the DAI Cairo starting in October 2022.
Ceramic processing must be flexible, able to adapt to the conditions of excavation and object. At the same time, the records of those working on this find genre from different regions should be comparable. Done to speed up and standardize the ceramic recording on site, the elaboration of the catalogue was successfully completed. [...]
Object of the discourse was the range of various forms of decoration and techniques that have been listed in the individual ceramic assortments of the projects. The projects of the scientists are located in Chad, Sudan, Ethiopia and in the area of the Middle Niger in West Africa. [...]
Initiated and organized by Friederike Jesse (Project 1) and Ulrike Nowotnick (Project 2), numerous representatives of our projects met for the SPP2143 on June 4th via conference call to exchange information about ceramic finds, their sorting and documentation. [...]
The interdisciplinary research project aims to investigate inner-African contacts between the northern Horn of Africa, the Middle Nile, the northeast Sudanese Gash delta and parts of Egypt. [...]
Entangled Africa - Identity and Inner-African Interaction, a session organized by SPP scientists at WAC Prague 2020. [...]
The DFG Priority Programme (SPP) 2143: Entangled Africa and the TransArea Network Africa (TANA) have set themselves the task of illuminating Africa's history and integrating it into the knowledge network of the old world. [...]