At the SPP annual meeting held on Jan. 10, 2022, participants were able to enjoy the research results to date, along with exciting new findings.
The remains of firewood, which was used at a daily basis in archaeological settlements, are indicators of the environment of a site and its changes due to climate and human impact. The first batch of SEM images of charcoal from Mege, Nigeria, was recently published in the webservice iDAI.objects. The open access images and data serve as a reference for colleagues and provide an introduction to charcoal research for young international scientists.
Entangled Africa' encompasses both the connectivity of people and the connectivity with and of ecosystems, plants, and landscapes. In the second meeting of the methodological working group "Natural Sciences", the course was set for collaborative research and data management across project boundaries.
The project on research data management (RDM) and the coordination of the priority program “Entangled Africa” (SPP2143) pursue a virtual exchange with specialists from the Department of Scientific Information Technology (Scientific IT) of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), to create new tools for the scientific discourse of all of the program’s projects on the temporal and spatial networking of the inhabitants of North Africa. [...]
The DFG Priority Programme (SPP) 2143: Entangled Africa and the TransArea Network Africa (TANA) have set themselves the task of illuminating Africa's history and integrating it into the knowledge network of the old world. [...]
The term "entangled" is associated with a great variety of meanings. We are anxious to network the projects and research branches within the programme and within Africa - the term has a long historical tradition. [...]