German tale of the two guest scientists from Egypt, Mariam Adel and Fernadne Lozada.
Report on the excursion of the SPP's Egyptian guest researchers to the Xanten Archaeological Park.
The 8th annual meeting of TANA, held in Ghana from February the 22nd to the 24th, 2022, was also attended by researchers from the SPP.
At the SPP annual meeting held on Jan. 10, 2022, participants were able to enjoy the research results to date, along with exciting new findings.
The research results of the SPP "Entangeld Africa" will be presented to the public at different locations in Africa and Germany with a flexible exhibition concept.
From the ranks of the SPP "Entangled Africa" Jana Eger-Karberg invites together with Tim Karberg to a panel at the 15th International Conference for Nubian Studies.
Copyright University of Cologne Colloquium at the Department of Prehistoric Archaeology of the University of Cologne The Department of Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Cologne invites you to its colloquium on Thursdays at 6 p.m. (CEST/after 31 Oct. CET) again this winter semester. Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Wotzka (SPP-Project Archaeology and Palaeoecology of the Inner...
The remains of firewood, which was used at a daily basis in archaeological settlements, are indicators of the environment of a site and its changes due to climate and human impact. The first batch of SEM images of charcoal from Mege, Nigeria, was recently published in the webservice iDAI.objects. The open access images and data serve as a reference for colleagues and provide an introduction to charcoal research for young international scientists.
Entangled Africa' encompasses both the connectivity of people and the connectivity with and of ecosystems, plants, and landscapes. In the second meeting of the methodological working group "Natural Sciences", the course was set for collaborative research and data management across project boundaries.
Two new directors of the DAI's departments come from the ranks of the SPP: Jörg Linstädter will succeed Burkhard Vogt at the KAAK in October 2021; Dietrich Raue will succeed Stephan Seidlmayer at the DAI Cairo starting in October 2022.