The project "The Lake Chad Region as a Crossroads" presents new research on the history of the Kanem-Borno Empire starting in December 2024 at the Musée National du Chad.
Report on the first workshop of the newest SPP-Working Group "(In)Visible Women".
The archaeobotanical reference collection in Frankfurt is of central importance worldwide for archaeological research on cultivated plants
German tale of the two guest scientists from Egypt, Mariam Adel and Fernadne Lozada.
Short report on the presentation of the InterLINK project at Sudantag 2022.
Visit of the InterLINK project at the University of Frankfurt for scientific exchange.
Report on the excursion of the SPP's Egyptian guest researchers to the Xanten Archaeological Park.
Report on the research of P07 in the first project phase.
Announcement for a presentation from project 03 "InterLINK" at Sudantag 2022
Lecture at EHESS in Paris on the current research results from project 04 "The Lake Chad Region as a Crossroads".