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New E-Paper on the SPP “Entangled Africa” released

Logo: Copyright: DAI Paper – Project 12 – Coordination J. Sigl/J. Linstädter, South of the Sahara, Africa. »Entangled Africa« – new interdisciplinary research from Africa’s east to west coast. December 2018 to December 2020, in: eDAI-F 2021-1, 2021. Full Text | PDF Download Abstract (Source: e-Forschungsberichte DAI) The history of northern hemispheric Africa between 6000...

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Publication: Fired brick élite locations in Kanem, Chad

One of the most intriguing problems concerning the Kanem-Borno sultanate of the central Sahel between the eighth and nineteenth centuries AD concerns its early intra-African connections. Apart from historically documented linkages with North and parts of West Africa, were there trade and other contacts with eastern regions such as Darfur, the Middle Nile Valley and areas beyond prior to the fifteenth century? [...]
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Publication: Late Holocene vegetation changes in the Chad Basin, Nigeria

The development of cultivated landscapes under the influence of food production has decisively shaped the composition and appearance of West African savannas as present today. With trees and shrubs forming an important constituent of such landscapes, and its composition characterizing different types of land-use, anthracology is a tool particularly well suited to trace developments and changes through human exploitation of the landscape. [...]
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Contribution on Central Sudan by C. Magnavita in the Oxford Handbook of Islamic Archaeology

In view of the paucity of research, the Islamic archaeology of the Central Sudan and Sahel remains one of the less well known of the African continent. While this also applies to the material legacy of the past six centuries, it is particularly sites and remains from the early period of Islamic influence in the region that are virtually unexplored. [...]
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