First Joint Annual General Meeting of the DFG Priority Programme Entangled Africa and the TANA Network
The DFG Priority Programme (SPP) 2143: Entangled Africa and the TransArea Network Africa (TANA) have set themselves the task of illuminating Africa’s history and integrating it into the knowledge network of the old world. TANA is a network that provides a forum for scientists of projects of the German Archaeological Institute working in Africa. “Entangled Africa” is a six-year priority programme (SPP) funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). The interdisciplinary work of the scientists involved in the SPP Entangled Africa is breaking new ground in research into the history of Africa. The exchange between the SPP Entangled Africa and TANA during the annual general meeting in Berlin from 09.12.2019 to 12.12.2019 brought numerous Africa-related projects from Germany together.
Fig. 1 | © A. Bahr Fig. 2 | © J. Sigl
Introductory speeches for the scientific discussion were held by the president of the German Archaeological Institute, Prof. Dr. Friederike Fless, and the head of the coordination project pf the SPP Entangled Africa PD Dr. Jörg Linstädter. In a joint discourse with up to 60 committed researchers, internal project goals as well as common aims and methods were discussed. How can we link our work and results even more closely? Where is entanglement possible and useful beyond the boundaries of the two networks? The discussion was framed by insights into individual projects and the results of the workshops on various find- and chronology-based approaches to archaeological research questions held in 2019. Possibilities of supplementing archaeological and botanical data in mutual exchange were discussed. Common challenges and interests were brought up and new cooperations were initiated.
Fig. 3 | © J. Sigl Fig. 4 | © J. Sigl
In addition to the research results, the long-term preservation and public accessibility of the data produced by the projects is the aim of both networks. Invited guests such as Wolfgang Schmidle and Juliane Watson (staff of the scientific information technology center of the German Archaeological Institute) gave information about the possibilities of connecting existing data structures to the already existing systems of the iDAI-World. Thomas Hartmann (National Research Data Infrastructure) gave insights into the legal environment in dealing with research data – a current topic. The research data management project of the SPP Entangled Africa provided information and support for the participating natural scientists and archaeologists on how to deal with data management programmes and analysis tools.
Fig. 5 | © A. Bahr Fig. 6 | © A. Bahr Fig. 7 | © J. Sigl
The coordination project would like to thank all helpers, co-organisers, committed scientists and interested listeners for the lively exchange and best possible support. We are already looking forward to the next meeting in 2020.