Borrowed words and shared objects (Schreiber, Henning; Gestrich, Nikolas)
Connecting the lower middle Niger through borrowed words and shared objects: Archaeo-linguistic network analysis and modelling of cultural entanglements between the Malian Sahara and the Nigerian forests (AD 700–1500)

Michael Schmeling, licensed under CC BY 4.0 international, waterbodies © OpenStreetMap contributers, modification by Johanna Sigl
Project description
The population on the banks of the River Niger downstream from Gao is extremely diverse. From northern Mali to the Kainji dam in Nigeria, languages from three language phyla are spoken in a bewildering number of ethnic groups. How did this come to be? While historical sources point at early empires (Kawkaw, Kanem-Bornu, Songhai, Hausa, Oyo), oral traditions speak of migration, and the known archaeological sites have evidence of trade, the cultural dynamics and population history along the lower middle Niger remain underexplored. Yet from the available evidence, we can fully expect this region to have been of central importance to the political and economic history of large parts of West Africa. The Niger, we argue, functioned as a corridor of exchange of all forms, linking the Saharan fringes to the tropical forests, and enabling interactive cultural processes that continuously led to new languages, new identities, and new material expressions. Over the centuries, this has led to the complex ethnolinguistic situation we observe there today.In this project, we will explore the mechanisms and details of this cultural contact along the Niger between 800 and 1500 CE. We approach these questions from a joint perspective of historical linguistics and archaeology, applying a dynamic network approach to create a network model of regional interaction. Our use of recent advances in loan word research and their connection to archaeological data means that this project pioneers a new form of co-operative research between historical linguistics and archaeology in Africa.
Project members
Applicant/Project director
University of Hamburg / Asia Africa Institute / African and Ethiopian Studies
Dr. Nikolas Gestrich
Applicant/Project director
Frobenius-Institute for Research in Cultural Anthropology at Goethe University Frankfurt
PhD candidate
University of Hamburg / Asia-Africa Institute
PhD candidate
Frobenius-Institute for Research in Cultural Anthropology at Goethe University Frankfurt

Report on SPP Entangled Africa Annual Meeting in Münster
Allgemein EN, P01 Prehistoric Axes EN, P02 Connecting Foodways EN, P03 InterLINK EN, P04 Lake Chad EN, P05 Landscapes EN, P06 DeGreening EN, P07 Routes of Interaction EN, P08 ClimCellMed EN, P09 Borrowed words EN, P10 Congo Basin EN, P11 FDM EN, P12 Coordination, P13 Tracing Connections EN![[Attribution: unknown; Copyright: not defined] D-DAI-KAAK-2024-JS-0063-PlanetAfrica_Eroeffnung_BER](
“Planet Africa” in the James Simon Gallery: Exhibition Opening and Press Reviews
Allgemein EN, P01 Prehistoric Axes EN, P02 Connecting Foodways EN, P03 InterLINK EN, P04 Lake Chad EN, P05 Landscapes EN, P06 DeGreening EN, P07 Routes of Interaction EN, P08 ClimCellMed EN, P09 Borrowed words EN, P10 Congo Basin EN, P11 FDM EN, P12 Coordination, P13 Tracing Connections EN
SPP Annual Meeting 2024 in Cologne
Allgemein EN, P01 Prehistoric Axes EN, P02 Connecting Foodways EN, P03 InterLINK EN, P04 Lake Chad EN, P05 Landscapes EN, P06 DeGreening EN, P07 Routes of Interaction EN, P08 ClimCellMed EN, P09 Borrowed words EN, P10 Congo Basin EN, P11 FDM EN, P12 Coordination, P13 Tracing Connections EN![[Attribution: ; Copyright: ] KAAK-SPP2143-TN-2023_Jahrestagung_Frankfurt_01-2022-8](
SPP Annual Meeting at the Goethe-University Frankfurt from 16th to 17th January
Allgemein EN, P01 Prehistoric Axes EN, P02 Connecting Foodways EN, P03 InterLINK EN, P04 Lake Chad EN, P05 Landscapes EN, P06 DeGreening EN, P07 Routes of Interaction EN, P08 ClimCellMed EN, P09 Borrowed words EN, P10 Congo Basin EN, P11 FDM EN, P12 Coordination, P13 Tracing Connections EN![[Attribution: J. Sigl; Copyright: Entangled Africa, KAAK] 2022-01-10_Teilnehmende07](