project 12 – Coordinator Project

Coordinator Project (Linstädter, Jörg)

Michael Schmeling, licensed under CC BY 4.0 international, waterbodies © OpenStreetMap contributers, modification by Johanna Sigl

Project description

The coordinator project represents the financial, organizational and thematically accompanying institution within the priority program. Claim and at the same time profit of the programme lie in the multilateral selection of the participating projects. Scientific, linguistic and diverse archaeological approaches and strategies contribute to an interdisciplinary community committed to multiperspectivity and transnationality. In order to bring together as many projects as possible and to filter out parallels, it is necessary to find overlaps among the projects and to create common working principles. Through targeted questioning and analytical research, cooperation opportunities become visible and can be passed on to the relevant projects. Another field of action is the joint development of standards and cross-project data collections in the sense of a broad evaluation of empirical data. Workshops are regularly planned or supported in order to best promote the principles, a continuous exchange, and the potential of the research cooperative. The annual general meeting is organized and guided by the coordinator project. It serves the full exchange between the projects as well as the preservation and expansion of cooperation with African partners. In order to make the programme visible and accessible to a broad public, a website will be set up in the area of public relations. Through regular reporting, the project structure remains transparent and promotes the demand for constant data transport and its timeliness. The contextual, as well as the administrative scope of the project, allows an exact and direct overview, which is mirrored both internally and externally, but above all, it should have an integrative and linking effect.

Project members

Photo: A. Reinecke.

PD. Dr. Jörg Linstädter
Applicant/Project director

German Archaeological Institute / Commission for Archeology of Non-European Cultures


Photo: W. Sigl.
Dr. Johanna Sigl

German Archaeological Institute / Commission for Archeology of Non-European Cultures

Link: or
Photo: G. Alimi

Florian Lukas M.A.
Research Associate

German Archaeological Institute / Commission for Archeology of Non-European Cultures

Photo: private

Martha Mosha M.A.
Research Associate

German Archaeological Institute / Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures



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