Tagung Ground Check

From 24th – 26th of March 2020 the conference „Groundcheck – Cultural Heritage and Climate Change“ in cooperation with the Archaeological Heritage Network was supposed to take place. Although we had to postpone due to #COVID19, we will present some of our remarkable speakers in short interviews.

Klick on the photos to read the full interviews.

In this interview Dr. Mairi Davies (Historic Environment Scotland) talkes about her presentation „A collaborative approach to addressing coastal erosion and flooding on cultural heritage sites in Scotland“ that will be held at the postponed conference.
Prof. Dr. Nassos Vafeidis (Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel) talkes in the interview about „Barriers in adaption to sea-level rise for coastal world heritage – The need for interdisciplinarity and innovation“. The paper will be presented at the postponed conference „Ground Check – Cultural Heritage and Climate Change“.

„‘De-Greening’ of the central Sahara: Holocene environmental dynamics in the Tibesti Mountains and the Ounianga Basin, Chad“ is the title of the presentation of Dr. Philipp Hoelzmann (FU), Michèle Dinies (FU/DAI) and Dr. Jörg Linstädter (DAI). The paper will be presented at the postponed conference. In the interview the researchers give us some insight into their research.

The Mediterranean World Heritage sites are at risk from coastal flooding and erosion. At the DAI/ArcHerNet conference Lena Reimann (University Kiel) will present her paper „Regional analysis of UNESCO World Heritage at risk from sea-level rise – insights for local assessments„.
In the Interview Lena Reimann gives insights into her research.