

  • Julia Strubich (2024, April 2 – June 7)


  • Julia Krauß (2024, January 2 – Feburary 28)


  • 2024, July 10


  • 2023, December 6: For the second time this year, we were able to discuss new cases, mainly from early modern times around Berlin, presented by our great guests on December 6, 2023, just in time for St. Nicholas Day. This meeting was all about rare diagnoses, maybe even rare diseases. One particular individual of whom historic background information as pictures and written sources was available, had a heartbreaking medical history. The meeting ended with a pre-Christmas lovely lunch together.

  • 2023, June 5


  • 2022, December 12: On December, 12, we met with our guests in the laboratory of the Natural Sciences Division of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI) to discuss the latest exciting pathological cases and their possible diagnoses. Each of our guests brought examples from their own work and enough skeletal remains exhibiting pathological changes to discuss were present in the lab. It turned out that most of the cases had one thing in common: they were predominantly of traumatic origin. After a lively and informative round of discussions, we closed the meeting having lunch together in a restaurant.