Gresky, J. (2024, April 23). Pandemien, Traumata und Bestattungssitten, ein Überblick über die anthropologische Forschung in der Archäologie [Paper presentation]. Gesellschaft der Freunde des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts – Theodor-Wiegand-Gesellschaft.

Gresky, J., Clare, L. (2024, April 17-21). Human Body Parts from the Monumental Special Buildings at Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) Göbekli Tepe, Southeast Türkiye [Paper presentation]. 89th Anunual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), New Orleans, Lousisiana, USA.

Gresky, J. (2024, April 17-19). The History of Rare Diseases and what we can learn for the Future. Conference “Researching the Past, Advancing the Future of Medicine”, Prague, Czech Republic.

Gresky, J., Clare, L., Karul,. N. (2024, March 20-23). First burials give insights into mortuary rites at Göbekli Tepe, Pre-Pottery Neolithic Türkiye [Paper presentation]. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA), Los Angeles, California, USA.

Fuchs, K., Appleby, J., Crespo, F. A., Gresky, J., Marklein, K. E., Milner, G. R., van Schaik, K. D., Zuckermann, M., Lynnerup, N., Schjellerup-Jorkov, M. L. (2024, March 18-20). Ageing well!? 50 years of age-related disease in paleopathology [Paper presentation]. 51st Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Los Angeles, California, USA.

Gresky, G., Pilz, O. (2024, March 18-20). Possible evidence for treponemal disease in Early Byzantine (ca. 500 AD) Olympia, Greece [Paper presentation]. 51st Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Los Angeles, California, USA.

Petiti, E., Fuchs, K., Gresky, J. (2024, March 18-20). Thinking out of the casebook. 50 Years of case studies in paleopathology: a matter of how rather than what? [Paper presentation]. 51st Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Los Angeles, California, USA.


Gresky, J. (2023, November 10). Paläopathologie: Medizinische Forschung in der Archäologie und ihre Relevanz für aktuelle Fragestellungen [Paper presentation]. Training symposium for student tutors. Subject group anatomy Charité Berlin, Germany. 

Benz, M., Gresky, J., Haddow, S. (2023, October 17-19). Transcending Death – Enigmatic Double Burials from the Early Neolithic Site of Ba`ja, Southern Jordan [Paper presentation]. 3rd Meeting of the Cluster 3 “Körper und Tod”, German Archaeological Institute (DAI) , Athens, Greece. 

Tessmann, B., Kowalak, M., Gresky, J. (2023, September 25-26). Kolonisiert, interniert, präpariert – das kurze und tragische Leben von Jakob Williams [Paper presentation]. 7th Workshop “Human specimens in university collections”, Institute for Anatomy University Rostock, Germany. 

Cooke, N. P., Rassmann, K., Bátora, J., Gresky, J., Meyer, M., Vernot, B. (2023, September 13-16). Ancient human nuclear DNA from sediments taken from individual houses at two Early Bronze Age settlements in Slovakia [Paper presentation]. 10th International  Meeting of the Society for Biomolecular Archaeology (ISBA), Tartu, Estonia.

Bietak, M., Gresky, J. (2023, August 6-11). Cutting Hands of Foes by the Hyksos: New Archaeological and Scientific Evidence [Paper presentation]. 13th International Congress of Egyptologists (ICE), Leiden, Netherlands. 

Gresky, J. (2023, June 22-24). Fibro-osseous processes of the craniofacial skeleton: What human skeletal remains from archaeological contexts can contribute to clinical research [Paper presentation]. Osteology Annual Congress (DVO), Salzburg, Austria. 

Dorn, J., Clare, L., Karul, N., Gresky, J. (2023, May 22-26). Human remains at Göbekli Tepe I: Bioarchaeological information from highly fragmented human skeletons [Paper presentation]. 13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), online, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Gresky, J., Clare, L., Karul, N., Dorn, J. (2023, May 22-26). Human remains at Göbekli Tepe II: Evidence of the first burials at Göbekli Tepe and their value for interpreting human bone fragments at the site [Paper presentation]. 13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), online, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Gresky, J. (2023, May 9). Which methods to use in the lab when dealing with commingled remains? Two examples from Nepal and Turkey [Paper presentation]. Workshop Commingled Human Remains: excavation, analyses and methods of quantification. University Tübingen, Germany. Read more.

Gresky, J., Bietak, M., Petiti, E. (2023, April 19-22). Structured Violence in Northern Egypt during the Hyksos Period [Paper presentation]. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA), Reno, Nevada, United States.

Petiti, E., Pollock, S., Gresky, J. (2023, April 19-22). Unclaimed Identities: Bioarchaeological analyses on a commingled assemblage from a Second World War context in Berlin, Germany [Paper presentation]. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists (AABA), Reno, Nevada, United States.

Gresky, J., Berezina, N., Fuchs, K. (2023, April 17-19). Frequency and distribution of fibro-osseous processes (FOPs) in the craniofacial skeleton of individuals from the Bronze Age, Southern Russia [Paper presentation]. 50th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Reno, Nevada, United States. 

Petiti, E., Dorn, J., Scheelen- Novacek, K., Schönbuchner, T., Ducke, B., Gresky, J. (2023, April 17-19). Presenting the DAARD: Digital Atlas of Ancient Rare Diseases [Paper presentation]. 50th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Reno, Nevada, United States.

Krauß, J., Dorn, J., Petiti, E., Linstädter, J., Gresky, J. (2023, March 29- April 1). Epigenetic traits of teeth of individuals from a multiple burial in Khyinga, Mustang district, Nepal (200-0 BC) [Poster presentation]. 14th Meeting of the Society for Anthropology (GfA), Berlin, Germany.

Gresky, J., Bietak, M., Petiti, E., Scheffler, C., Schultz, M. (2023, March 29- April 1). Possibilities and limitations of osteological research on the example of severed hands from Avaris/Tell el-Dab‘a, Northern Egypt [Paper presentation]. 14th Meeting of the Society for Anthropology (GfA), Berlin, Germany. 

Dorn, J., Clare, L., Karul, N., Gresky, J. (2023, March 29- April 1). Final stop: filling material? New insights and interpretation of the human bones found in Neolithic Göbekli Tepe, Anatolia [Paper presentation]. 14th Meeting of the Society for Anthropology (GfA), Berlin, Germany. 

Petiti, E., Pollock, S., Gresky, J. (2023, March 29- April 1). No one´s bones: Bioarchaeological analyses of a commingled assemblage from national socialist´s context from Germany [Paper presentation]. 14th Meeting of the Society for Anthropology (GfA), Berlin, Germany.

Gresky, J. (2023, Feburary 15). (Rare)Diseases and “Resources”: How paleopathology can help us to understand Human Resilience [Lecture].  Collaborative Research Centre University Tübingen, Germany. Read more. 

Gesky, J. (2023, February 14). Human resilience in extreme environments [Paper presentation]. Collaborative Research Centre University Tübingen, Germany. Read more. 


Gresky, J., Gillis, R., Dorn J., Petiti, E. (2022, September 26-30, 28 September 2022). One Paleopathology: Bridging the Gap. Anthropological and Archaeozoological Perspectives on Rare Diseases [Paper presentation]. 13th Meeting of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Weimar, Germany.

Dorn J., Petiti, E., Scheelen-Nováček K., Schönbuchner T., Ducke B., Gresky, J. (2022, September 26-30, 28 September 2022). Ancient rare diseases and where to find them – Introduction to the Digital Atlas of Ancient Rare Diseases (DAARD) [Paper presentation]. 13th Meeting of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Weimar, Germany.

Dorn J., Kühlem A., Gresky, J. (2022, September 26-30). What teeth can tell – Human Remains from the Babeldaob Earthworks, republic of Palau, Oceania [Poster presentation]. 13th Meeting of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Weimar, Germany.

Gresky, J., Gillis, R., Petiti, E. (2022, August 27). Bridging the gap: anthropological and archaeozoological perspective on achondroplasia- part one [Paper presentation]. 23rd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA),  Vilnius, Lithuania.

Gillis, R., Petiti, E., Gresky, J. (2022, August 27). Bridging the gap: anthropological and archaeozoological perspective on achondroplasia- part two [Paper presentation]. 23rd  European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA),  Vilnius, Lithuania.

Benz, M., Gresky, J. (2022, August 2-5, 3 August 2022). Connected by Death – the Late PPNB Burials of Ba`ja, Southern Jordan [Paper presentation] 15th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (ICHAJ), Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, online.

Gresky, J., Dorn J., Petiti E. (2022, June 2). Groundcheck. Klima, Krise, Archäologie [Paper presentation]. International conference of the Federal Foreign Office and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Berlin, Germany.

Gresky, J. (2022, May 12). Paleopathology: Skeletal Diseases in the last 10,000 years [Paper presentation]. Lecture series “Unter besonderen Umständen” by the Society for Anthropology (GfA), online.

Gresky, J. (2022, April 30.). Paläopathologie: Skeletterkrankungen in den letzten 10.000 Jahren [Paper presentation]. 8th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Musculoskeletal Radiology (DGMSR), Berlin, Germany.

Gresky, J., Meyer C., Watkins L., Petiti, E. (2021, December 2–3). BACK(BONE) TO THE FUTURE. Bioarchaeological perspectives on climate change and climate crisis [Paper presentation]. Groundcheck 2021, Natural Sciences, German Archaeological Institute (DAI), online conference.

Gresky, J. (2021, November 12). Mangelerkrankungen. [Paper presentation]. Workshop „Untersuchung von Kinderskeletten” of the Working Group Freelance Osteoanthropologists (AFOA), Göttingen, Germany.

Petiti, E. (2021, September 6 –11). As old as you´re told. Bioarcheological Approaches to Age at Death and Age Classes. A case study from Tayma, Northwest Arabia [Paper presentation]. 27th Annual Meeting of
the European Association of Archaeologists (
EAA), Widening Horizons, Kiel, Germany.

Gresky J. (2021, September 2). Der menschliche Körper in der bioarchäologischen Forschung [Paper presentation]. 1st Meeting of the Cluster 3 „Körper und Tod“, German Archaeological Institute (DAI), Frankfurt a.M., Germany.

Gresky J., Schultz M. (2021, February 26). Infant in a bowl: Differential diagnosis of severe periosteal changes in an infant from Neolithic Gebel es-Silsileh, Egypt [Paper presentation]. Online-Workshop „Osteoanthropology of Children“ of the Work Group Palaeopathology and Prehistoric Anthropology (APPA) , online.


Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2020, August 24–30). Between Hunter-Gatherers and Producers: Trepanations in the Eneolithic Period in the North Caucasus [Paper presentation]. 26th Virtual Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), online.

Petiti, E., Gresky, J. (2020, April 14–15). Ancient DNA, Twitter and other disasters. A contribution on scientific innovation and ethical communication in bioarchaeology. J. Phys. Anthropol. 2020, Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting (North American), Los Angeles, California, United States.


Benz, M., Gresky, J., Alarashi, H.(2019, October 23). Similar but Different – Displaying Social Roles of Children in Burials from the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Ba‘ja, Southern Jordan [Paper presentation]. 40th International Meeting of Archeology and History, Côte d’Azur, Nice.

Petiti, E. (2019, September 30- October 1). Stranger Things. Bioarchaeology of the Upside Down: A Case Study from Erbil, Iraq [Paper presentation]. Human Remains. Ethics, Conservation, Display, Turin, Italy. Read more.

Gresky, J., Petiti, E. (2019, September 23–27). Share your rare! Ancient Rare Diseases: Setting a new Agenda for Research and Outreach [Paper presentation].13th Meeting of the Society of Anthropology (GfA), Göttingen, Germany. Read more. 

Gresky, J., Petiti, E., Benz, M. (2019, September 23 – 27). Infant health and care: Burials from the Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site of Ba‘ja, Southern Jordan [Paper presentation]. 13th Meeting of the Society of Anthropology (GfA), Göttingen, Germany. Read more. 

Petiti, E., Khalil, L., Eichmann, R., Gresky, J. (2019, September 23-27). A tar-baby! Methodological issues on paleopathology of childhood: Case studies fom Jordan [Paper presentation]. 13th Meeting of the Society of Anthropology (GfA), Göttingen, Germany. Read more. 

Benz, M., Gresky, J., Alarashi, H. (2019, September 6). As white as snow, as red as blood. Moments of memory and belonging: a special child burial from Neolithic Ba‘ja [Paper presentation]. 25th Annual Meeting of
the European Association of Archaeologists (
EAA), Bern, Switzerland.

Gresky, J., Petiti, E. (2019, August 14-16). Straight for W.A.R.D.: a Webinar on Ancient Rare Diseases [Paper presentation]. 8th Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America (PAMinSA),  São Paulo, Brasil.

Gresky, J. (2019, March 27–30). Craniofacial dysplastic bone lesions: Localization and frequencies [Paper presentation]. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 2019, Scientific Program & Abstracts, 88th Annual Meeting (North America), Cleveland, Ohio, United States.

Gresky, J. (2019, March 25–27). Craniofacial dysplastic bone lesions in three individuals of a Bronze Age cemetery in Tajikistan [Paper presentation]. 46th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Cleveland, Ohio, United States.

Petiti, E., Gresky, J., Hausleiter, A. (2019, March 25–27). Too good to be true. Transdisciplinary approach to health: the Hellenistic burial ground at the oasis of Tayma, Saudi Arabia, a case study [Paper presentation]. 46th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Cleveland, Ohio, United States.


Gresky, J. (2018, September 24–28). Fibro-ossäre Veränderungen an menschlichen Skeletten aus dem archäologischen Befund [Paper presentation]. 12th Meeting of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Konstanz, Germany.

Gresky, J., Reinhold, S., Belinskiy, A., Berezina, N. (2018, September 5–8). Challenges of daily life in Bronze Age Northern Caucasus: Comparing fracture frequencies of people from Early and Middle Bronze Age [Paper presentation]. 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Barcelona, Spain.

Gresky, J., Petiti, E. (2018, August 28 – September 1). Osteopetrosis and accompanied skeletal changes in a skeleton from Albania [Paper presentation]. 22nd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Zagreb, Croatia. Read more.

Gresky, J. (2018, August 28 – September 1). Craniofacial dysplastic bone disease in paleopathological investigations [Paper presentation]. 22nd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Zagreb, Croatia. Read more.

Petiti, E., Pfeiffer, K. (2018, August 3–5). Late Bronze Age Populations Reconsidered: Recent Research in the Emirate of Fujairah [Paper presentation]. Seminar for Arabian Studies at the British Museum, London, Great Britain.

Petiti, E. (2018, April 3–7). Going Global: Negotiating Identities in the Bronze Age Near East: Bioarchaeological case studies [Paper presentation]. 11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Munich, Germany. Read more.

Zur, A., Hausleiter, A., with a contribution of Petiti, E. (2018). Funerary landscapes in 2nd millennium BCE Tayma, Northwest Arabia. In: B. Horejs et al. (Eds). Proceedings of the 10th ICAANE, 2, 355–368.


Berenzina, N., Fuchs, K., Knipper, C., Reinhold, S., Gresky, J. (2017, October 15–18). Malnutrition and vitamin deficiency: childhood scurvy and anemia in Bronze Age populations of North Caucasus [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Funerary Anthropology “Homines, Funera, Astra”. Death and Children from Prehistory to Middle Ages, Alba Iulia, Romania.

Knipper, C., Reinhold, S., Berezina, N., Gresky, J., Hansen, S., Pichler S., Gerling, C., Belinskij, A.B. (2017). Diet and mobility patterns of Bronze Age populations in the North Caucasus. VAS Sibirien.


Berezina, N., Gresky, J., Belinski, A., Reinhold, S., Buzhilova, A. (2016, October 24–27). Amplification of surgical knowledge in different Bronze Age Northern Caucasus populations [Paper presentation]. International Conference of Anthropology and Ethnology of Caucasus, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician Malkaz Abdushelishvili, Tibilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Berezina, N., Reinhold, S., Gresky, J. (2016, October 24–27). Trepanation as part of the history of everyday life of man of the Bronze age (on materials of the North Caucasus sites) [Paper presentation]. International Conference of Anthropology and Ethnology of Caucasus, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician Malkaz Abdushelishvili, Tibilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.

Gresky, J., Berezina, N. (2016, October 10–14). Trepanation in der Bronzezeit im Kaukasus – keine Prozedur für jedermann [Paper presentation]. 11th  Meeting of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany.

Haelm, J., Gresky J. (2016, October 10–14). Kleine Fragmente mit langer Geschichte: Taphonomische Spuren an menschlichen Knochen von Göbekli Tepe [Paper presentation]. 11th Meeting of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany.

Berezina, N.Y., Reinhold, S., Greski, J. (2016, October 7-11). Trepanation as part of the history of daily life of Bronze Age man (on the materials of North Caucasian burials). 5th International Scientific Conference of the Ecology of Ancient and Traditional Societies, Tyumen, Russia.

Tucker, K., Berezina, N., Reinhold, S., Belinskiy, A., Kalmykov, A., Gresky, J. (2016, September 9–11). A mystery assailant? A rare example of peri-mortem cranial fractures in a Catacomb Period wagon driver from the Northern Caucasus [Paper presentation]. 18th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO), Kent, Great Britain.

Berezina, N., Dobrovolskaya, M., Kalmykov, A., Belinskiy, A., Reinhold, S., Gresky, J. (2016, August 15–19). Grave gifts or lifetime instruments: confirmation of professional activity with anthropological methods [Paper presentation]. 21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Moscow, Russia.

Gresky, J., Tucker, K., Belinskiy, A., Reinhold, S., Berezina, N. (2016, August 15–19). Frequency of fractures in Bronze Age people engaged in animal husbandry from Northern Caucasus [Paper presentation]. 21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Moscow, Russia.

Tucker, K., Berezina, N., Belinskiy, A., Reinhold, S., Gresky, J. (2016, August 15–19). An Accident at Work? Ante-mortem Traumatic Lesions in a Bronze Age Skeleton from the Northern Caucasus [Paper presentation]. 21st European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Moscow, Russia.

Berezina, Y., Buzhilova, A.P., Gresky, J. (2016, May 2–6). The potential of paleoanthropological studies on Caucasian Bronze Age populations. Actual trends of bronze Age Archaeology in the North Caucasus [Paper presentation]. International conference, Maykop/Stavropol, Russia.

Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2016, April 25–29). Palaeopathological investigation on human bones from Tell el Dab’a, potential and limits. Workshop 50 Years at Tell el-Dab’a [Paper presentation]. 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Vienna, Austria.

Schultz, M., Gresky, J. (2016, April 25–29). A rare case of connate coarctation of the aorta in a young Hyksos infant from Tell el-Dab’a. The significance of infantile diseases and possibilities of their medical treatment in ancient Egyptian populations. Workshop 50 Years at Tell el-Dab’a [Paper presentation]. 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), Vienna, Austria.

Gresky, J., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Schwarz, L., Schultz, M. (2016, April 12–16). Fracture patterns of early first Millennium B.C. mounted Pastoralists in the Kunlun Mountains, China. Annual Meeting Issue 2016, Supplement 62, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 161. Read more.

Gresky, J., Schwarz, L., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Schultz, M. (2016, April 12–13). Dental diseases of early first Millennium BC mounted Pastoralists in the Kunlun Mountains, China [Paper presentation]. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

Zur, A., Hausleiter, A., with a contribution of Petiti, E. (2016). Taymā’ in the Bronze Age (ca. 2,000 BC): Settlement and funerary landscapes. In: Luciani, M. (Ed.). The Archaeology of North Arabia. Oases and Landscapes. Proceedings of the International Congress held at the University of Vienna, December, 5th – 8th 2013, Oriental and European Archaeology, 4, 135–176.


Tucker, K., Gebel, H.G., Gresky, J. (2015, September 18–20). Broken, Burned and Buried: Investigating Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Funerary Practices in the Arabian Peninsula [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual Conference of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology (BABAO), Sheffield, Great Britain.

Fuchs, K., Gresky, J. (2015, March 24–25). Comparative Analyses of the Mandible. Pathological case studies from the prehistoric North Caucasus and Turkey [Paper presentation]. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), St. Louis, Missouri, United States.

Gresky, J., Berezina, N. (2015, March 24–25). Pathological Changes of the Spine in Bronze Age People from Northern Caucasus [Paper presentation]. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), St. Louis, Missouri, United States.

Schwarz, L., Gresky, J. (2015, March 24–25). Myositis ossificans and related ailments [Paper presentation]. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), St. Louis, Missouri, United States.

Fuchs, K., Gresky, J. (2015). The prevalence of caries in Bronze Age populations from the Northern Caucasus. Annual Meeting Issue 2015, Supplement 60, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 138. Read more.

Gresky, J. (2015). Decoration and cremation of neolithic human bones from Göbekli Tepe, Turkey. Annual Meeting Issue 2015, Supplement 60, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 152–153. Read more.

Schwarz, L., Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2015). Assessment of lesions of the rotator cuff (Rotator Cuff diseases (RCD)). Annual Meeting Issue 2015, Supplement 60, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 282. Read more.


Schwarz, L., Gresky, J. (2014, September 28 – October 1). Partly fused Metacarpal and Carpal Bones as a possible Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis? [Paper presentation]. 10th Meeting of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Toruń, Poland.

Haelm, J., Gresky, J. (2014, August 26–31). Plagiocephaly and torticollis of three individuals from a Kurgan (Scythian Period) in Majemer, Kazakhstan [Paper presentation]. 20th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Lund, Sweden.

Schwarz, L., Gresky, J. (2014, August 26–31). Comparison of three cases of femoral shaft fractures [Paper presentation]. 20th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Lund, Sweden.

Fuchs, K., Gresky, J. (2014, April 8–9). Genetic disorder, chronic inflammation or hormonal dysfunction? Diagnosing bone disease in poorly preserved human remains [Paper presentation]. 41st Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Calgary, Ontario, United States.

Petiti, E., Intilia, A., Hausleiter, A. (2014). Bioarchaeological investigations at a 4th-3rd century B.C. cemetery at Tayma. In: P. Bieliński et al. (Eds). Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 30 April–4 May 2012, Warsaw. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 371–390. Read more.

Fuchs, K., Gresky, J. (2014). Malposition, circulatory deficiency and traumata – a multi-affected individual as a special case of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Annual Meeting Issue 2014, Supplement 58, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 122.

Gresky, J., Berezina, N. (2014). Clumsiness or hard daily routine? Fractures of hands and feet in Bronze Age people from Northern Caucasus. Annual Meeting Issue 2014, Supplement 58, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 130.


Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2013, October 7–11). Analysis of the peculiarities of the dental-system of the population of the Central Precaucasus in the Eneolithic and Bronze Age. Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция. в сборнике Физическая антропология: методики, базы данных, научные результаты, Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Fuchs, K., Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2013, August 26–30). Malnutrition in the Bronze Age – Scurvy in populations from the Northern Caucasus. Материалы международной научной конференции «Население юга России с древнейших времен до наших дней». Донские антропологические чтения, Rostow (Don), Russia.

Gresky, J., Berezina, N. (2013, August 26–30). Oral hygiene and character of tooth use of individuals from six burial sites of the North Caucasus of the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. Материалы международной научной конференции «Население юга России с древнейших времен до наших дней». Донские антропологические чтения, Rostov (Don), Russia.

Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2013, August 26–30). Trepanation tradition in the North Caucasus in the Eneolithic and Bronze Age. Материалы международной научной конференции «Население юга России с древнейших времен до наших дней». Донские антропологические чтения, Rostov (Don), Russia.

Fuchs, K., Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2013, April 15–18). Scurvy – Malnutrition in the Caucasian Bronze Age [Paper presentation]. Socio-environmental Dynamics Over The Last 12.000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes III. Open Workshop, Kiel, Germany. Read more.

Gresky, J., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P., Xiao, L., Xiahong, W., Yongbin, Z., Schmidt, A., Goslar, T. (2013, April 9–10). Functional Ortho-prosthesis in a third/second century BC grave from Turfan, China [Paper presentation]. 40th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Knoxville, Tennessee, United States.

Gresky, J., Berezina, N. (2013). Oral hygiene and patterns of use in teeth of six sites in northern Caucasus dating from Eneolithic to Bronze Age. Annual Meeting Issue 2013, Supplement 56, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 137. Read more.


Petiti, E. (2012, September 3–6). People of Tayma: Bioarchaeological Analyses of the 4th-3rd Century B. C. Burial Ground from Tayma (Saudi Arabia) [Paper presentation]. 18th Meeting of the European Anthropological Association (EAA), Ankara, Turkey.

Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2012, August 27–29). Two cases of possible trepanations in eneolithic burials from the piedmont area of Northern Caucasus [Paper presentation]. 19th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Lille, France.

Fuchs, K., Berezina, N., Gresky, J. (2012, August 27–29). Juvenile Scurvy in two Bronze Age Caucasian Sites [Paper presentation]. 19th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Lille, France.

Gresky, J., Berezina, N. (2012, April 23–28). Two cases of trepanation in Eneolithic burials from Progress 2 and Vonjuchka 1 [Paper presentation]. International Conference The XXVII- Krupnov Readings “The Latest Archaeological Discoveries On the North Caucasus: Researches & Interpretations”, Makhachkala, Russia.

Gresky, J. (2012). First examinations on Neolithic human bones from Göbekli Tepe, Turkey. Annual Meeting Issue 2011, Supplement 52, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150.

Gresky, J., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Schultz, M. (2012). Diseases of early first Millennium B.C. mounted Pastoralists in the Kunlun Mountains, China. Annual Meeting Issue 2012, Supplement 54, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 156.


Gresky, J. (2011, May 26–28). Living by the River – Influence of climatic conditions on human health using the example of an early medieval settlement near the Danube [Paper presentation]. Polish-German Scientific Symposium: Man and environment in the preindustrial era on both sides of the Odra River, Poznań – Ostrów Lednicki, Poland. Read more. 

Gresky, J. (2011, April 12–13). Infants from late Neolithic Shir, Syria [Paper presentation]. 38th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

Henneberg, M., Flohr, S., Eckhardt, R., Gresky, J. (2011, April 12–13). Dental pathologies in LB1 from Liang Bua Cave, Flores, Indonesia [Paper presentation]. 38th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

Koel, K., Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2011, April 12–13). Inflammatory Processes of the Skull [Paper presenation]. 38th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

Gresky, J. (2011). First examinations on neolithic human bones from Go¨bekli Tepe, Turkey. Annual Meeting Issue 2011, Supplement 52, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150.

Henneberg, M., Gresky, J., Eckhardt, R.B., Flohr, S. (2011). Dental evidence bearing on morphological dating of the LB1 specimen. Annual Meeting Issue 2011, Supplement 52, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 160.


Koel, K., Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2010, October 23–26). Inflammatory Processes of the Skull [Paper presentation]. 18th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Wien, Austria.

Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2010, October 23–26). Two cases of intentional skull deformation of different characteristic in a skythian (1st – 2nd century A. D.) burial complex [Paper presentation]. 18th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Wien, Austria.

Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2010, October 23–26). Comparison of health status between three skythian burial complexes from different time periods in Kazakhstan [Paper presentation]. 18th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Wien, Austria.

Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2010, September 28–30). Das bajuwarische Gräberfeld von Harting (Oberpfalz) – ausgewählte paläopathologische Befunde [Paper presentation]. 8th of the Society for Archaeozoology and Prehistoric Anthropology (GAPA), Berlin, Germany.

Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2010, April 13–14). Use of histological methods in diagnosing diseases in poorly preserved archaeological bones from Tell el-Dabha, Egypt [Paper presentation]. 37th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.

Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2010, April 13–14). Histological investigations on articular surface defects in the third metatarsal and third cuneiform [Paper presentation]. 37th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.

Koel, K., Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2010, April 13–14). The causes of Cribra orbitalia: Always simply anemia? [Paper presentation]. 37th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.

Lora, S., Petiti, E., Hausleiter, A. (2010). Burial contexts at Tayma, NW Arabia: archaeological and anthropological data. In: L. Week (Ed). Death and Burial in Arabia and Beyond Multidisciplinary perspectives. British Archaeological Reports, Archaeopress, Oxford, 237–248.


Gresky, J., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Schultz, M. (2009, March 31 – April 1). Complications in childbirth and other gynecological problems in a Late Bronze Age nomadic population from the southern Silk Road, Western China [Paper presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Gresky, J., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Schultz, M. (2009, March 31 – April 1). Rotator cuff injuries, arthrosis and inflammatory diseases of the shoulder in a Late Bronze Age nomadic population from the southern Silk Road, Western China [Paper presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Chicago, Illinois, United States.

Gresky, J., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Schultz, M. (2009). Diseases of the vertebral column in a Bronze Age nomadic population from the southern Silk Road, Xinjiang, Western China. Annual Meeting Issue 2009, Supplement 48, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 179.

Klingner, S., Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2009). Pressure induced atrophy in the posterior cranial fossa – Suspicion of brain herniation. Annual Meeting Issue 2009, Supplement 48, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 224.


Flohr, S., Gresky, J., Kierdorf, U., Schultz, M. (2008, August 25–27). Multiple fractures of the distal right lower limb in a male from a carolingian settlement in southern Germany [Paper presentation]. 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Gresky, J., Schultz, M. (2008, August 25–27). Investigations on the vestiges of meningeal diseases in an early medieval population from Harting, Germany [Paper presentation]. 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Kozak, A.D., Gresky, J., Roumelis, N., Schultz, M. (2008, August 25–27). Leprosy in the Old Kingdom Elephantine (Egyptian Nubia) [Paper presentation]. 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Copenhagen, Denmark.

Gresky, J., Flohr, S., Stifter, E., Schultz, M. (2008, April 8–9). Diseases of the paranasal sinuses and their correlation to living conditions in two early medieval populations from Germany [Paper presentation]. 35th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Columbus, Ohio, United States.

Gresky, J., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Schultz M. (2008, April 8–9). Physical Stress in Liushui- Orthopedic diseases in Xinjiang, West- China from the end of the bronze age to the beginning of the iron age [Paper presentation]. 35th Annual Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Columbus, Ohio, United States.

Gresky, J., Roumelis, N., Kozak, A.D., Schultz, M. (2008). Torture in the Old Kingdom of Egypt? Investigation of frequency and cause of fracture traumas among a population of the Old Kingdom on the island of Elephantine/Egypt. Annual Meeting Issue 2008, Supplement 46, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 107–108.


Schulz, C., Gresky, J., Roumelis, N., Schultz, M. (2003). Diachrone Untersuchungen zur Epidemiologie der Erkrankungen der Nasen- und Nasennebenhöhlen in mitteleuropäischen Populationen unter geschlechtsspezifischen Aspekten. In: H. Greil, Scheffler, C. (Eds.). Abstraktband zum 5. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie „Anthropologie der Geschlechter“, Potsdam, Germany, 129.

Roumelis, N., Gresky, J., Schulz, C., Schultz, M. (2003). Diachrone Untersuchungen zur Epidemiologie der Erkrankungen der Hirnhaut in mitteleuropäischen Populationen unter geschlechtsspezifischen Aspekten. In: Greil, H., Scheffler, C. (Eds.). Abstraktband zum 5. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie „Anthropologie der Geschlechter“, Potsdam, Germany, 111.

Gresky, J., Roumelis, N., Schulz, C., Schultz, M. (2003). Diachrone Untersuchungen zur Epidemiologie der Erkrankungen des Mittelohres in mitteleuropäischen Populationen unter geschlechtsspezifischen Aspekten. In: Greil, H., Scheffler, C. (Eds.). Abstraktband zum 5. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Anthropologie „Anthropologie der Geschlechter“, Potsdam, Germany, 46.