Publication: Iron Age plant subsistence in the Inner Congo Basin (DR Congo)
Archaeobotanical study of useful plant cultivation in the Inner Congo Basin during the Iron Age.
Archaeobotanical study of useful plant cultivation in the Inner Congo Basin during the Iron Age.
Africa is an adaptable continent that has always been subject to strong climatic and economic changes – and still is today. From an archaeological perspective, Africa is a hotspot for research into environmental and human history. […]
Picture 1: A suitcase on a journey. Photo © A. Höhn (Project 5). One (two) suitcase(s) with charcoal in Berlin „I still have a suitcase in Berlin That’s why I […]
Charcoal is a common find on archaeological sites. But the full range of information it contains is very often insufficiently used. Pieces of charcoal not only reveal their age (based on radiocarbon dating) but also which tree or group of tree species they once belonged to. This enables the reconstruction of vegetation types, landscapes and climate, and can even provide information about trade relations. […]