Architectural History

Patience, Precision, and Pavonazzetto: An Intern’s Story from Pergamon

I’m Yaren Esen, an architecture student at İzmir Institute of Technology, and I had the opportunity of joining the 2024 Pergamon Excavation campaign as an intern with the Historical Building Research Team from the Berlin Technical University. Led by the PhD-candidate Léa Geisler, the team has been focusing on the East Baths of the Gymnasium in Pergamon. During my internship, I learnt the different methods of documenting and cataloging the building parts.

Architectural History

Bergama’da Bir Stajyerin İzlenimleri: Sabır, Detay ve Pavonazzetto

Ben Yaren Esen, İzmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü’nde mimarlık öğrencisiyim ve 2024 Bergama Kazı kampanyasına Berlin Teknik Üniversitesi Tarihi Yapı Araştırma Ekibi ile stajyer olarak katılma fırsatı buldum. Bulunduğum ekibe doktora adayı Léa Geisler liderlik etti ve çalışmalarımızın odak noktası Bergama’daki Gymnasium’un Doğu Hamamı’ydı. Staj sırasında yapı parçalarının belgelenmesi ve kataloglanması için kullanılan farklı yöntemleri öğrendim.


Exploring Social Metabolism: Insights from the 2nd TransPergMicro Milestone Workshop in Istanbul

The 2nd Milestone Workshop of the TransPergMicro project, held on January 10-11, 2025 at the Orient-Institut in Istanbul, brought together an interdisciplinary range of scholars to explore the concept of social metabolism in historical contexts. The event was intended as a further ‘milestone’ in advancing our understanding of material and energy flows between societies and their environment, with a particular emphasis on the project’s research focus, i.e., the Pergamon Micro-Region between the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial periods.

Architectural History

Ein Blick auf die Westthermen von Pergamon: Neuste Forschungen zur römischen Badekultur in Asia Minor

Die Überreste der Westthermen in Pergamon wurden 1906-07 freigelegt. 2022 setzten Studierende der TU Berlin im Rahmen des TransPergMikro-Projektes den Bau erneut in den Fokus. Die umfassende Baudokumentation enthüllte bislang unbeachtete Bereiche und lieferte neue Erkenntnisse über Bauphasen und Nutzung, die zur Klärung urbaner Strukturen beitragen.


Secrets of Selinus: New Discoveries Reshape the Understanding of Pergamon’s Urban Riverbank

The developing landscape of Bergama unfolds along the Bergama Çayı, where the recent construction of a river embankment by the DSİ revealed ancient structures. Excavations from 2021 to 2023 under the direction of Bergama Müzesi uncovered an 1 km² wide area. In collaboration with DSİ, the İzmir State Monuments Authority and the Pergamon Excavation Project, the ongoing conservation work is contributing to a master’s thesis focusing on detailed documentation, with an emphasis on construction phases and techniques. This study explores the historical layers of the site to uncover ancient urban development and the interactions between human and nature during the Roman Imperial period.

Architectural History

The Largest Theater in Ancient Asia Minor Rediscovered

The Theater in the lower city of Pergamon was part of a group of large buildings erected during the Roman Imperial period. It was partly excavated in the mid-20th century, but a complete study of its architecture was still pending. Recently, a Turkish-German team conducted systematic investigations, resulting in new insights into the building’s construction phases. Moreover, the research revealed that it is the largest ancient theater in Asia Minor, reflecting the competition between the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna and Pergamon. Its ground plan has been integrated into the Pergamon Digital Map, which will soon be released in version 1.2.


Küçük Asya’daki En Büyük Tiyatro Yeniden Keşfedildi

Pergamon aşağı kentte yer alan Tiyatro, Roma İmparatorluk Dönemi’nde inşa edilmiş büyük bir yapı grubunun parçasıdır. 20. yüzyılın ortalarında kısmen kazılmış olmasına karşın yapının mimarisine ilişkin kapsamlı bir çalışma gerçekleştirilmemişti. Yakın bir zaman önce, Türk ve Alman üyelerden oluşan ekipçe yürütülen sistematik araştırmalar sonucunda, Tiyatro’nun inşaat aşamalarına ilişkin yeni bilgiler de elde edilmiştir. Bu çalışma ayrıca, Tiyatro’nun Küçük Asya’daki en büyük antik tiyatro olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu durum Efes, Smyrna ve Bergama şehirleri arasındaki rekabetin ortaya çıkan bir yansımasıdır. Yapıya ait oluşturulan yeni plan, 1.2 sürümünde yayınlanacak olan Pergamon Dijital Haritası’na entegre edilmiştir.