Anthracology WorldWide – „Cultivated Landscapes“ as part of a new international network
Report from Alexa Höhn of P05 „Cultivated Landscapes“ regarding the international Anthracology Meeting in Nice in Mid of Decembre 2022
Report from Alexa Höhn of P05 „Cultivated Landscapes“ regarding the international Anthracology Meeting in Nice in Mid of Decembre 2022
The remains of firewood, which was used at a daily basis in archaeological settlements, are indicators of the environment of a site and its changes due to climate and human impact. The first batch of SEM images of charcoal from Mege, Nigeria, was recently published in the webservice iDAI.objects. The open access images and data serve as a reference for colleagues and provide an introduction to charcoal research for young international scientists.
The development of cultivated landscapes under the influence of food production has decisively shaped the composition and appearance of West African savannas as present today. With trees and shrubs forming an important constituent of such landscapes, and its composition characterizing different types of land-use, anthracology is a tool particularly well suited to trace developments and changes through human exploitation of the landscape. […]
Picture 1: A suitcase on a journey. Photo © A. Höhn (Project 5). One (two) suitcase(s) with charcoal in Berlin „I still have a suitcase in Berlin That’s why I […]
Charcoal is a common find on archaeological sites. But the full range of information it contains is very often insufficiently used. Pieces of charcoal not only reveal their age (based on radiocarbon dating) but also which tree or group of tree species they once belonged to. This enables the reconstruction of vegetation types, landscapes and climate, and can even provide information about trade relations. […]