From the Göbekli Tepe Research Project

Lithic Analysis or “Meet the Flint-stones”

This is Jonas and in this short contribution I would like to introduce myself and the research I am conducting. In the frame of the Göbekli Tepe project I will be responsible for the documentation and anlysis of lithic materials. Previously my focus has been on lithics from sites dated to the earliest Neoltihic in Central Europe. Upon my first visit to the site, I was astonished by the large amounts of flint. The analysis of this exceptional material will provide unique insights into lithic technologies, for example, châine opératiore, as well as cultural preferences, including diverse knapping techniques. Due to the extraordinarily large numbers of flint recovered from the site, I will be focusing on materials recovered from carefully chosen areas/archaeological features. Drop back soon for updates and new insights.


Collection of projectile points from Göbekli Tepe. Just a small example of the lithic industry present at site. (Photo: N. Becker, DAI)


  1. haticeozcan2014

    Reblogged this on tabletkitabesi.

  2. Robert Kerr

    Very much looking forward to your news, Jonas!

  3. Nick Kropacek

    Hello. Really fascinating. Can you refer me to any recent work fone on flint knapping at the site please? If you have any references on obsidian that would be really helpful too.
    Thank you

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