The second annual TransPergMikro workshop was organized by our TU Berlin project members and held online on 08.03.2021, due to the Corona pandemic. With the topic “Stone as a Resource: Occurrence, Extraction, and Processing. The Use of Stone in the Interconnected Pergamon Micro-Region” a cross-disciplinary aspect was chosen, which stimulated the discussion of common approaches and questions. Nine lectures from various research disciplines were presented in three different sessions. In addition to members of the project, experts related to the workshop topic were invited.
In the context of the presentations, the current status as well as future perspectives regarding stone as a resource in the Pergamon Micro-Region was discussed. The need for basic data, such as reference material and standard terminologies for the study of building and raw materials as well as quarries in Pergamon, was identified. Furthermore, issues related to the identification of source areas of millstones or marble used in Pergamon were discussed and also included in the future research design of the project. Important contributions highlighted the importance of geographical scales (local, regional, Mediterranean, etc.) as well as their diachronic transformation in the study of transport, import or export of stone. Besides all these aspects, the role of actors and practices (e. g. Administrative frameworks; Benefactors and builders: Who was involved?; Perception of stone(s) as an element of urban physiognomy) was discussed in the context of contributions from building research and 3D-visualization. In a socio-ecological model of the Pergamon Micro-Region results will finally be brought together and can be compared with other regions (e.g. Aphrodisias, Ephesos, Sagalassos, etc.).
Traces of stone quarrying on the northeastern slope of the city hill of Pergamon (Pergamongrabung, U. Mania 2020) Quarry on the northern slope of the city hill of Pergamon (Pergamongrabung, U. Mania 2019)
The event was another important milestone for further research of the described aspects and for the successful progress of the project. All lectures led to very interesting and important discussions emphasizing the importance of a regular interdisciplinary exchange. And in the end, the workshop was very productive and led to numerous new paths which all will lead to new investigations, results and insights in the year to come!
Cover photo: Quarries on the northern slope of the city hill of Pergamon (Pergamongrabung, U. Mania 2019)