3rd annual TransPergMicro meeting in Berlin (Jan, 13 and 14, 2023)

The thematic focus of this year’s meeting is on modelling.
Besides two keynote lectures from external guests, members of TransPergMicro will present their latest ideas and results on modelling, covering different ways of modelling and various resources.
In two breakout sessions, we will discuss general aspects of modelling in an interdisciplinary group of researchers, including different interpretations of the term modelling and the next steps of modelling in the Pergamon Micro-Region.

Of Ancient Dynasts, Border Guards and Potters – The 2021 Survey in the Pergamon Micro-Region

Since 2019, a German-Turkish team of the DFG-funded TransPergMikro project on the “Transformation of the Pergamon Micro-Region between Hellenism and the Roman Imperial Period” has been investigating selected areas in the vicinity of Pergamon. This year, the team focused mainly on the transition zone between the eastern foothills of the Kara Dağı (Kane) peninsula and the western lower Bakırçay (Kaikos) plain.