On September 22, the first “workshop talk” within the framework of the project took place in the excavation house Bergama. Representatives of all projects with active fieldwork in the 2019 campaign met for one day in the library of the excavation house or were connected via internet.
First, the various projects gave short presentations on the results achieved during the first field-campaign, followed by short discussions. In this context, the exchange between archaeology, building history, geography and ancient history proved to be very fruitful and let to the specification of goals both for the data evaluation and for the planning of next year´s campaign.

After a general discussion on synergies and development of the cooperation we planned our annual workshop which will be held on 3-4 April 2020 at DAI Istanbul. The thematic focus will be on “Social Ecology” and it´s definition within the scope of TransPergMikro. In a further section, selected aspects of single projects will be discussed with external experts. In order to focus the communication and to reduce travel-activities, the workshop will be combined with a preparatory meeting for the fieldwork of 2020 and with a session of the PhD-Network (“Doktorandennetzwerk”) within TransPergMicro.
Finally, we visited the Amphitheater and the quarries located between this monument and the Asklepieion. The topic of stone-resources and their location is one of the main points of interdisciplinary exchange within TransPergMicro.

Bernhard Ludwig – Felix Pirson
Talks: Ercan Erkul – Geophysics | Ulrich Mania – Asklepieion Survey | İhsan Yeneroğlu – Amphitheater | Sandra Völkel – Urban Economic Spaces | Britta Schütt and team – Physical Geography | Murat Tozan – Historical Geography | Bernhard Ludwig – Archaeological Survey | Mete Aksan – Tumulus (?) next to Sultan Tepe | Philip Bes and Anneke Keweloh-Kaletta – Çandarlı Survey | Wolf-Rüdiger Teegen – Anthropology and Palaeopathology