Podcast episode about current epigraphical research in Pergamon

After a successful 2021 campaign in Pergamon, Julian Schneider (Hamburg), a member of the epigraphy team under the direction of Prof. Dr. Andreas Victor Walser (Zurich), is invited as a guest to the Classics podcast „Ausgesprochen alt. Der Antike Podcast“ by Fabiola Heynen and Max Resch (both Vienna). In episode no. 35 „Hot Nerd Summer – Sommerliche Feldforschung“, Fabiola tells about her first archaeological survey experience on Samos and Julian talks about current epigraphical research in Pergamon. He informs about the aims of the project, reports on a recent and spectacular find, and explains why paper, water and a brush still remain fundamental tools to document ancient inscriptions. The episode is available on all major streaming platform and the website includes pictures of this year’s campaign.

Ausgesprochen alt. Der Antike Podcast | Episode 35: Hot Nerd Summer – Sommerliche Feldforschung

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