Februar 13, 2025 20 Jahre archäologische Forschung – 20 Jahre Kooperation in Vojtenky Autoren: Erdmute Schultze PhD und Prof. Mikhail Ljubicev 2004 begann die Germanisch-Slawische archäologische Expedition der Nationalen V. N. Karazin-Universität Charkiw archäologische Untersuchungen in Vojtenky…
Februar 16, 2024 DAI4UKR: Rescue Research of Multi-Layered Settlements on the Left Bank of the Vorskla River in 2023 The Vorskla River valley in Eastern Ukraine is characterized by its low and partly marshy left bank with sandy terraces bearing traces of settlements…
Januar 9, 2024 DAI4UKR: Archaeological Sites of the Late Scythian – Early Sarmatian Period in the Dnipro-Donetsk Forest-Steppe The last three centuries BC are regarded as the “Dark Ages” in the ancient history of the forest-steppe zone between the Dnipro and Siversky…
Januar 2, 2024 DAI4UKR: Kurgan Networks in the Molochna Basin The examination of prehistoric burial mounds in the steppe provides valuable insights into the burial practices and social structures of ancient communities, shedding light…
Dezember 21, 2023 DAI4UKR: Research of the Skorobir Necropolis – One of the Largest Burial Mounds of the Early Iron Age in Eastern Europe The Bilsk hillfort (8th–4th centuries BC) is a key site of the Scythian period in the Ukrainian forest-steppe, identified with the Herodotus city of…
Dezember 11, 2023 DAI4UKR: Under the Shelling: Digital 3D Protection of the Ukrainian Bronze Age The Bronze Age was a significant period in Eurasian prehistory, which left many traces on the territory of present-day Ukraine. This is evidenced by…
Dezember 1, 2023 DAI4UKR: Ceramic Frames of the Stove Mouth – Interpretation and Functional Purpose of the Early Modern Stoves in the Middle Dnieper Region (Ukraine) Archaeological research is not restricted to prehistoric or early historical times. The material culture of the last centuries – the period that we usually…
November 7, 2023 DAI4UKR: Bone Artifacts from the Exposition of the Museum of the National Historical and Archaeological Reserve “Olbia” The ancient city of Olbia – an exceptional monument of the Greek and Roman colonization of the Northern Pontic – has been the subject…
Oktober 27, 2023 DAI4UKR: Cataloguing and Mapping the Linear Band Pottery Sites in Ukraine The Linear Band Pottery Culture (the Linearbandkeramik or LBK) is an archaeological phenomenon with an immense geographic scope. The settlements in the western area…
Oktober 17, 2023 DAI4UKR: Purified by Fire – The Funeral Rite of the Slavs in the Pre-State Period on the Territory of Ukraine and Neighboring Regions The heritage work is not only saving the sites or objects under acute threat. An essential part of our assistance is also funding of…